
Thursday, November 6, 2014

Israel-Jordan Relations Plummet

The Bible tells us that Israel will be all alone in the very last days. She will have no friends and only enemies.

The Middle East has always been a nasty neighborhood and the Israelites, and now the Jews, have always been hated since Moses steered them to the Holy Land.

Ezekiel 37 clearly says that in the very last days God will orchestrate the return of the Jews from all the nations to which they have been scattered for 2000 years, and will bring them back to the Holy that includes Jerusalem.

Following WWII and the Holocaust NO ONE COULD HAVE EVER THOUGHT it would be possible....but it happened.  Against all odds and with many miracles coinciding, tiny Israel carved out a nation and has been able to keep it and even expand it in spite of the Arab armies who have tried to "drive them into the sea" over these last 65 years.

One Arab country that has managed to stay at peace with Israel for the past 40 years has been the nation of Jordan.  They have a very Westernized king. In fact, he and his wife both look like they could move into Minnesota and none of us would notice...because they look so Western.  Look up Queen Rania if you want to see the very pretty queen of Jordan.

The King of Jordan is named King Abdullah.  He is of the Hashemite sect of Islam and they claim to be direct descendants of Muhammad. However, they have been able to stay more moderate than their ISIS, HAMAS and Al Qaeda cousins.  And consequently have stayed out of any wars with Israel since 1967.

When Israel retook Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, they took it from Jordan in 1967.  As some type of peace gesture, Israel has allowed Jordan to manage the Temple Mount and the waqf who oversee the Al-aqsa mosque that sits on it.  Google all this if you want to know more.

Today we read that Jordan may be turning against Israel as the tension continues to heat up over the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

Jerusalem: Increasing strife over Jerusalem's most volatile holy site has pushed relations between Israel and Jordan into crisis, with Amman recalling its ambassador for the first time since the countries' landmark peace treaty 20 years ago.

A Palestinian rammed his car into pedestrians in Jerusalem's city centre on Wednesday, killing an Israeli paramilitary border policeman before he was shot dead by police. More than a dozen people were injured.

In a second attack later, a van driven by a Palestinian hit three soldiers in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. One was seriously injured and two others suffered moderate wounds, an Israeli ambulance service spokesman said.

Security camera footage showed the large van plough into the three soldiers at speed. Police said the van escaped the scene and a search had been mounted.

The earlier car attack in Jerusalem occurred after clashes between Israeli police and Palestinians at the entrance to the al-Aqsa mosque.

Palestinian officials said Israeli forces had crossed the threshold of the mosque for the first time since 1967. Israeli police denied going into the house of worship.

Speaking in Paris as he prepared to meet US Secretary of State John Kerry, Jordanian Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh said Amman had withdrawn its ambassador because of the situation at the mosque compound.

"We have sent repeated messages to Israel directly and indirectly that Jerusalem is a red line," Mr Judeh said.

He accused the Israelis of violations and incursions, stopping people from worshipping freely and allowing extremists to enter. "These violations are infuriating" to Muslims worldwide, he said.

In a letter to the United Nations Security Council, Jordan said an Israeli raid had sparked fires that damaged ceiling mosaics and carpet at the compound known to Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary, housing the al-Aqsa mosque and Dome of the Rock.  Jordan's UN ambassador Dina Kawar said that Amman would  "take lawful steps and measures" to stop further "attacks".

Jordan is a member of the Security Council for 2014-15.

After the Jerusalem car attack, the Islamist group Hamas praised what it described as a "heroic operation", calling it retaliation for the "blood" of Palestinians and "the sacredness of al-Aqsa".


There can be NO DOUBT that the world's attention continues to be focused on Jerusalem.  The city is the apple of God's eye.  Satan wants to keep his Muslim mosque sitting right where it is.  The Muslim horde appears to be getting more angry and more violent every day.

None of these stories and news headlines should surprise those of us who read the Bible.  Instead, they should amaze us.  We worship a God who knows the future!  He is the alpha and the omega...He is the beginning and the end.

Jordan WILL turn on Israel.  But Israel will NEVER be washed away from the Holy Land again.  The world will try to make Israel disappear,,,but God will make sure that NEVER happens.

Continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.  We are commanded to.

Also please continue to pray for America.  Only a few of our leaders realize that blessing Israel is the ONLY thing that will prolong America's existence.  If our leaders continue down the path of cursing Israel....we may become even more of a stench in God's nose than we already are.

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