
Thursday, November 6, 2014

Teach Your Children Well

The Bible tells us that if we raise our children up in the way of The Lord that when they are grownup and living on their own, they will not turn.

Proverbs 22:6 
Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.

Is it any wonder that the government wants our children sitting in public schools at an ever younger age?  I just saw a sign by my office that was advertising, "Pre-school for 3 yr olds!"

The liberals running the public schools are almost universally PRO-ABORTION, they don't believe the Bible, they don't believe that Jesus is the only way for men to achieve salvation, they don't believe that God created the heavens and the earth and they overwhelmingly support gay marriage and LGBTQ causes.

So yes, THEY want to start your children off in the GODLESS way they should that even when they are old they won't turn from their godlessness!

Makes perfect sense!  It I were Satan trying to bring down a nation founded on Judeo-Christian values that's exactly what I would do.

Think about it...most of us have our little children at our house for a few hours a day after they start public school....but the atheists designing our school lessons and textbooks have our child's attention for way more!

Your kids are being taught the lies of evolution from the day they walk into first grade and see the chart hanging above the chalkboard that shows a monkey walking along until he becomes a man!  How is your first grader going to stand up to a St. Olaf graduate who has dream catchers hanging from her rear view mirror, a COEXIST bumper sticker on her Prius and a hyphenated name like, "Mrs. Hanson-Schlaubin"?

Cosmologist and theoretical physicist Lawrence M. Krauss believes that religion could be eradicated — or at least largely removed from society — in just one generation.

Krauss, who made this claim while delivering a speech to the Victorian Skeptics Cafe in Australia in late August, spoke, among other subjects, about how children should be taught about faith in schools, claiming that religious systems shouldn’t be treated “as if they’re all sacred.”

Instead, he argued for changes in how children learn about religion and critical thinking — proposals that are just beginning to gain traction this week.

“What we need to do is present comparative religion as a bunch of interesting historical anecdotes and show the silly reasons why they each did what they did,” he said. “Instead of shying away from it, we have to explicitly educate people to confront their own misconceptions.”

Addressing the future of religion, Krauss cited gay marriage and slavery in offering up a dire prediction: that religion could be largely eradicated within just one generation’s time.

“People say, ‘Well, religion has been around since the dawn of man. You’ll never change that’ … This issue of gay marriage, it is going to go away, because if you’re a a child, a 13-year-old, they can’t understand what the issue is. It’s gone,” he said. “One generation is all it takes.”

Like same-sex matrimony, Krauss said that slavery, too, was ended in a generation, adding his belief that the same dynamic applies to religious adherence.

“Change is always one generation away,” the scientist said. “So if we can plant the seeds of doubt in our children, religion will go away in a generation, or at least largely go away — and that’s what I think we have an obligation to do.”

Krauss made waves earlier this year when he said during a separate appearance that teaching creationism to kids is akin to child abuse.


Wow!  Teaching your kids that God created it all is child abuse??...but teaching them that we all descended from a magical rock that created life from nothing until it morphed into a man who is no different than a monkey....that's the MORAL HIGH GROUND!!

My kids went through the public schools and they are 19 and 21 and appear to be pretty good kids....but I can tell you that with the crap I'm hearing coming from the public schools these days...we would be home-schooling and spending lots of time studying the Truth.  Without God...there are NO MORALS!!  Just do whatever feels good to you at the moment!!

Chaos and anarchy will be the ONLY result of such a widespread belief...and that's exactly what Satan wants.

1 comment:

  1. Hitler also knew this principle and took the youth under his wing to do his biding including telling on their parents. Evil doesn't need a new playbook, they can copy that which has been done before.
