
Friday, November 14, 2014

John Kerry Has Jerusalem Plan

Another day...another headline that includes the word JERUSALEM.

Certainly this is one more sign of the lateness of the day when the whole world just can't figure out Jerusalem...God's holy city.

I had already posted this photo a few months ago, but thought it might be fun to see again since John Kerry is back at it!

Kerry warns Jerusalem violence can spiral out of control, announces plan to restore calm

Violence on the Temple Mount could quickly spiral out of control warned US Secretary of State John Kerry, as the United States, Jordan and Israel announced they had a plan in place to restore calm. 

“We are working to smother the sparks of immediate tension so that they don’t become a fire that is absolutely out of control,” Kerry said on Thursday after a  trilateral meeting in Amman with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Jordan's King Abdulllah.

After the meeting, Kerry explained that Israel and Jordan had agreed on a mechanism to end the violence in Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, known to Muslims as Al Haram Al Sharif.

He was short on details, except to say that it would ensure that the status quo would be maintained at the holy site.

Such calm is the first ingredient necessary before direct or regional Israeli-Palestinian peace talks can commence, Kerry said.

Jordanian Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh told reporters that, “the tension in Jerusalem, as you have seen in the last few days, has sparked tension not just in Jerusalem and around Jerusalem, but elsewhere in the West Bank. And this is something that concerns us all,”

“We’ve always warned that Jerusalem is a redline,” he added.


Hey John Kerry!!  Did you know that long ago God declared Jerusalem a red line too?  Yep!  One day He will gather all the nations and judge them for how they treated and scattered His people and divided up His land.

Joel 3
“In those days and at that time,
    when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem,
2 I will gather all nations
    and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat.
There I will put them on trial
    for what they did to my inheritance, my people Israel,
because they scattered my people among the nations
    and divided up my land.

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