
Saturday, November 15, 2014

Obama's Coming Executive Orders

As we all know, the Republicans took the Senate and the House and now have the largest majority in the House since Harry Truman days.  If you think Obama couldn't get things done because of gridlock these last few years....he really has be be upset now.

So what's he gonna do?  He's going to start acting like a king and issue executive orders.  The House and Senate leaders are already warning him that if he starts behaving like a king, you may as well wave a red flag in front of a bull, because you are going to seriously exasperate the lawmakers.

The first item on Obama's agenda is immigration reform.  He wants to make legal citizens out of the Latinos who snuck into the country illegally but managed to have a baby while they were here.  By US law, the baby automatically becomes a US citizen....and now he wants to reward the law breaking parents by granting them legal status.

In reality, he's just trying to buy millions of Latino votes for the Democrats.

Please watch this YouTube video that shows what Obama SAID earlier in his career and compares it to what he is saying now.


What do you call someone who tells lies?

A liar.

Hat tip to Jeremy F.

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