Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Joseph Smith Had 40 Wives

I'm guessing that most of my readers will put Mormonism into the category of "cult".


Because ONE GUY named Joseph Smith claimed to have a conversation with an angel named Maroni and claims he was told all sorts of "new things"...about golden tablets, about Jews being American Indians, about Jesus and Lucifer being brothers, about black people being cursed for following Lucifer...and the list goes on and on.  

Mind you now, this all happened EIGHTEEN HUNDRED YEARS after Jesus had ascended into heaven and the Bible had already given us everything we need for salvation through Christ....but Joseph Smith was a story teller and he must have been a convincing one.

Also remember that the Bible tells us that Satan can appear to us as an angel of light.  The Bible goes on to say that even if an angel of light were to come and tell us some new information that if it contradicts the Gospel then rebuke the angel and know that it is a messenger from Satan....because God would never send an angel or spirit to contradict what He has already said.

Hmmm....it sounds to me like Mormonism is made up of lies...and Jesus clearly told us who the Father of Lies is;  Satan.

Today we are finding out that for 200 years Mormons claimed that Joseph was married to only one woman...but in reality he was married to 40 women...one of which was only 14.

(Reuters) - The Mormon church has admitted that founder Joseph Smith married about 40 women including a 14-year-old and others who were already the wives of his followers, having maintained for nearly 200 years that he was monogamous.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has tried to gloss over aspects of its history, including the polygamy practiced by Smith and Brigham Young, who helped found Salt Lake City, Utah, the headquarters of the Mormon church.

"Joseph married many additional wives and authorized other Latter-day Saints to practice plural marriage," a church essay entitled "Plural Marriage in Kirtland and Nauvoo" said, noting that "careful estimates put the number between 30 and 40".

The church has been widely criticized for its treatment of women, black people, who it barred from the higher priesthood until 1978, and gays, who were banned from its temples if they were sexually active.

Smith's wives were mostly between the ages of 20 and 40, but Helen Mar Kimball, the daughter of close friends, was "sealed" to him several months before she turned 15.

"Plural marriage was difficult for all involved. For Joseph Smith's wife Emma, it was an excruciating ordeal," the essay, part of a collection issued over the past year, said.

The church, founded in 1830, banned polygamy in 1890 when the U.S. government threatened to deny Utah statehood.

So this revelation begs a bigger question....if the Mormon church has been lying about it's founding father for 200 years...WHAT ELSE could they be lying about?  Have there EVER actually been golden tablets that Maroni gave Joseph....or is that just a 200 year old lie too?

Ummm....we already know it's a lie.  But what will actual Mormons make out of all this nonsense.

"But Dennis, Christianity is a cult too!...following blindly after some man named Jesus who claimed to be God!  That's no different than Mormons following blindly after Joseph Smith!"


Jesus' words, miracles, death and resurrection were confirmed by thousands of witnesses.  Jesus also fulfilled dozens of prophesies written centuries before he arrived....thereby PROVING that Jesus was exactly who He said He was...the Savior of mankind and one part of the trinity.

Joseph was only ONE GUY sitting in the woods....confirmed my no one else and fulfilled NOTHING ever written in advance.

Big difference.

Also please remember that the Mormon Jesus IS NOT the Jesus of the Bible.  They may share the same name but they aren't the same person....so by that definition, Mormons are not followers of Jesus the Christ.

If my plumber is named Jesus and I believe in him....that's not going to save me from my sins.

In the same way, believing in the Mormon Jesus or the Muslim Jesus, (who are false Christs)...is not going to save them from their sins either.

"Dennis!...You are SO INTOLERANT!!"

Yep.  So was the REAL, ONE AND ONLY, Jesus.

2 Corinthians 11
12 And I will keep on doing what I am doing in order to cut the ground from under those who want an opportunity to be considered equal with us in the things they boast about. 13 For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. 15 It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.

Hmmm....can't help but wonder if Satan was Maroni....the angel who came to Joseph Smith?

Or did Joseph simply make the whole thing up because he wanted to have celestial sex with 40 different women and needed a good reason to do it?


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