
Friday, November 21, 2014

Mayor in Israel Fires Arabs

If some Arabs in Muslim lands fired Jews because they don't like Jews....the world would yawn...roll over and the media would most likely never report it.

BUT...when Jews are now firing Arabs in the backlash over Arab violence in makes Google News!

Arab workers across Israel have been sacked in a backlash following a recent wave of Palestinian attacks against Israelis, the country’s equal opportunities body admitted Thursday.

The sackings came to light as the mayor of Ashkelon, one of Israel’s leading cities, provoked a political outcry by firing Arabs who were building bomb shelters in municipal kindergartens.

Itamar Shimoni said he had been pressured into the move by worried parents after two Palestinians killed four rabbis and a Druze police officer in an attack on a Jerusalem synagogue on Tuesday.

One of the assailants, Ghassam Abu Jamal, who carried out the assault with his cousin Uday, was a builder from East Jerusalem who was believed to have worked on construction sites in Israel.

Mr. Shimoni also deployed a team of armed security guards at kindergartens close to building sites employing Arabs with funds provided by a private donor based abroad.

His decision to sack Arab workers caused outrage across the Israeli political spectrum amid charges of racism and signs of a wider purge of Arab workers by Jewish employers professing fears that their employees could carry out a future attack. A chorus of criticism, initially led by left-wing opposition and Arab figures, was eventually joined by the country’s leaders after legal experts said Mr. Shimoni’s decision broke Israel’s equal opportunity laws.

Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister, said there was “no place for discrimination against Israeli-Arabs,” adding: “We cannot make generalizations about an entire population based on a small unruly minority. Most Arabs citizens of Israel are law-abiding.”

Naftali Bennett, the far-Right Jewish Home party leader, promised to use his powers as economy minister to reverse the mayor’s decision. “We are experiencing a difficult time, a wave of terror, but we know that 99.9% of Arab-Israelis are loyal to Israel,” he added.

Arab-Israelis and Palestinians from East Jerusalem commonly work in the building trade and in restaurants in the city’s Jewish western sector. Many have lost their jobs in recent weeks because of their Arab background, Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper reported.

One of the cousins who carried out this week’s synagogue attack was reported by Israeli media to have worked in a nearby grocery store in the ultra-Orthodox Har Nof neighbourhood. In response, a reception hall chain based in the coastal town of Bnei Brak fired 17 Arab dishwashers, according to Yedioth.

“I’m tired of giving them a livelihood only to get an axe in return,” it quoted the company’s operations director as saying. “They know how to work. But I’ve got no faith in them. I can’t go on like this. It isn’t only the momentary fear after a terror attack. It’s more than that. Today it’s Har Nof, tomorrow it’s here.”


Can I understand the employers frustration and fear?


Do I have a better answer?


All we can do is point out the double standard of the world.  Muslims discriminate against Jews all the time.  In fact some Muslim countries don't allow Jews to even enter their country.

Is the world still focused everyday in tiny little Israel?


Is the earth groaning for Messiah Jesus to return and finally set up a peaceful kingdom on planet earth where differences between races will vanish?


And when that day comes, the entire world will have one religion...we will all worship Jesus Christ!


PS...please remember that it's very possible that some of our Christian brothers and sisters are Arabs living in Israel and may even love the Jewish people and their host country as much as you and I...but they may be caught up in the firing of Arabs all the same.


  1. When Jesus reigns in the future as you indicate, will there be temple sacrifices taking place to forgive sinners? Is there even sin during this period? If so, how....since the whole world will be under His control? When a believer dies during the Millennial reign, where do they go since Jesus is on earth and Paul says we will be with Him forever? Do we get resurrected a second time?
    My pastor has been saying some strange things and I thought you might know. Thanks.

  2. Hi Anonymous,
    here are some ideas for you that you should check out in your Bible and see if they are plausible...also remember that many things about eternity will always remain a mystery until we get the Bible says, "no mind can imagine the things God has created for us in eternity." (paraphrase)

    No, there will not be Temple sacrifices during the Millennium. (but the Jews WILL be sacrificing during the final 7 years...until Antichrist breaks that up 3 1/2 yrs into the peace agreement) The Bible says Jesus will be ruling with an iron rod...and any sin or rebellion will be immediately known and dealt with. The devil will be bound so people can't claim, "the devil made me do it"... so all sin will be a result of humans being in their flesh bodies and will still be dealing with lusts of the flesh types of sin. Remember that those of us who were raptured and returned with Jesus at the end of the 7 years will already have our glorified bodies so I don't believe we will be dealing with sin ourselves...but the humans who survive the Tribulation will still be humans, having kids but living a really long time...and they will be dealing with sin.

    Yes, WE who die during the age of grace or are raptured will be with him forever. "To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord." for you to say, "paul says we will be with Him forever" is accurate BUT YOU won't be a tribulation saint or be born to a tribulation saint during the 1000 years...because you will have died a believer in Christ or been raptured...and will not be going through the 1000 years as a human being. You will be a glorified body like Christ was after he rose and walked about on earth before he ascended.

    Does that make sense?

    No, YOU won't be resurrected a 2nd time because if you died before the rapture all believers had their bodies resurrected and were reformed as glorified bodies during the rapture. Paul says that in the twinkling of an eye the dead in Christ first...and then those of us who are believers and haven't died will go instantly from life in these bodies into eternal life in glorified bodies. (1 Thessalonians 4)

    Now turn to Revelation 20 and read about the 1000 years. The people who died FOR Christ during the Tribulation will clearly come to life and reign with Jesus for the 1000 years. Further, it would appear that those people who are born and die during the 1000 years will be resurrected at the Great White Throne judgment along with people from all ages. Verse 15 says, "IF anyone's name was not found..." so it would seem that some people will certainly be resurrected, judged and thrown into the lake of fire...but others who died during the 1000 and whose name was found in the book of life, then they would live eternally with Christ.

    Also remember verse 7 that says when the 1000 years were over Satan was released for a little while and he will be able to convince some humans living during Jesus' reign of 1000 rebel and follow Satan.

    Hope that helps. Remember, YOU won't have to be concerned about any of this since you will have either died and will be with Christ for eternity...or you will be alive during the rapture and go immediately into your glorified body and be with Christ. Either way you will be reigning with Christ in your glorified body over the humans who survive the Tribulation.
