
Monday, November 24, 2014

"Non-Muslims" Butchered in Kenya

Imagine you are riding a bus to work one day.  Up ahead you see some flashing lights with some officers waving the bus to pull over.  The bus pulls over and the door opens.  In walk some military looking men and they order everyone off the bus.  Once you are all off the bus they line you all up and demand that you recite a Muslim verse to prove you are Muslim.  Since you aren't Muslim, you don't know a verse so you simply say, "I don't know one".  For your offense, the men make you dig your own grave and then they shoot you in the back of the head and dump your dead body in.

Sound crazy?  It just happened.....again.

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — One gunman shot from the right, one from the left, each killing the non-Muslims lying in a line on the ground, growing closer and closer to Douglas Ochwodho, who was in the middle.

And then the shooting stopped. Apparently each gunman thought the other shot Ochwodho. He lay perfectly still until the 20 Islamic extremists left, and he appears to be the only survivor of those who had been selected for death.

Somalia's Islamic extremist rebels, al-Shabab, attacked a bus in northern Kenya at dawn Saturday, singling out and killing 28 passengers who could not recite an Islamic creed and were assumed to be non-Muslims, Kenyan police said.

Those who could not say the Shahada, a tenet of the Muslim faith, were shot at close range, Ochwodho told The Associated Press.

Nineteen men and nine women were killed in the bus attack, said Kenyan police chief David Kimaiyo.

Al-Shabab claimed responsibility for the killings through its radio station in Somalia, saying it was in retaliation for raids by Kenyan security forces carried out earlier this week on four mosques at the Kenyan coast.

The attackers first tried to wave the bus down but it didn't stop so the gunmen sprayed it with bullets, said the police. When that didn't work they shot a rocket propelled grenade at it, the officers said.

The gunmen took control of the vehicle and forced it off the road where they ordered all the passengers out of the vehicle and separated those who appeared to be non-Muslims— mostly non-Somalis— from the rest.


Another day...another group of militant Muslims murdering for the sake of Islam.

"But Dennis, these are fundamentalist Muslims doing this!  They don't represent Islam!  You need to hear from some moderate Muslims to see that they don't agree with the fundamentalist Muslims."

Really?  Hmmmm......let's ponder that one....

Do you know what a fundamentalist Christian is?  It's a Christian who reads his Bible and believes it. He clings to Jesus' own words, "I am the way, the truth and the life.  No man comes to the Father except through me."  He seeks to tell people about Jesus and salvation because he believes Jesus' words and desperately wants his friends and family to avoid eternity in hell.

Do you know what a liberal Christian is?  It's someone who seldom reads their Bible and doesn't really believe their Bible. Because of this, they are now free to invent what "their god" really meant to say about perversion, fornication, gay sex, abortion, hell and repentance.  Also they believe that as long as a person in "spiritual" they will go to a good place when they die.

Now let's apply the same formula to Islam.

Do you know what a fundamentalist Muslim is?  It's someone who reads the Koran, memorizes some verses, listens to sermons from Imams and believes that Allah is the supreme god...and anyone who rejects Allah will certainly go to hell.  Furthermore, anyone who rejects Allah and his laws should be punished severely...even to death.

So what then is a moderate Muslim?  Someone who doesn't read the Koran, who doesn't really believe the Koran and who realizes that maybe there are other religions that maybe have some truth besides Islam.

From the list above, who do you believe would be a better Christian?...the fundamentalist or the moderate?

And who do you think is the better Muslim?...the fundamentalist or the moderate?

The media has chosen the term "extremist Muslims" to describe Muslims who butcher others.  But are they extremists...or are they really just fundamentalists who are actually doing what the Koran orders?

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