
Saturday, November 29, 2014

Pope Visits Blue Mosque

The world continues its push for what the Antichrist will bring after the rapture...a one-world religion.

We have no idea when this will happen but the signs keep popping up all over that foreshadow its eventuality.

As you watch the short video report, listen to the reporter say that the Pope went into the Mosque and offered a moment of silence and a short prayer.  Ummmmm....who was he praying to?

Pope Francis is in the historic city of Istanbul, on the second part of a three-day visit to Turkey.

His first stop was the Blue Mosque - also known as Sultan Ahmet - where he met Muslim leaders.

On Friday, he called for an interfaith dialogue to counter fanaticism and fundamentalism during a visit to the Turkish capital, Ankara.


Hey...question for you?....what does fundamentalism actually mean when it applies to religion?  Does it mean that the person believes TOO MUCH in their faith...or TOO MUCH in their holy book...or takes it TOO SERIOUSLY....or is unbending in his belief that his beliefs are the ONLY WAY to achieve salvation?

If that's what it means, I'm going to say that that's EXACTLY what Jesus wants His follower to be!!...fundamentalists!!

Are you a fundamentalist?

Why does the Pope want to "counter fundamentalism"?  Does the Pope have a problem with Jesus who said, "I am the way, the truth and the life.  No man comes to the Father except through me."

Clearly Jesus was a fundamentalist.  He believed in ALL THE SCRIPTURES, He announced that there is only ONE WAY for man to be saved and he took His mission on earth VERY SERIOUSLY.

Jesus had nothing in common with the worshipers of Baal, Molech or Ashteroth...and today he would have nothing in common with the believers of Islam, Hindu or why is the Pope (who claims to be Christian) spending all this time pushing for INTERFAITH instead of just spending all his time preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

"For God so loved the world (people) that He sent His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but will have eternal life."

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