
Monday, December 1, 2014

ISIS Makes Best Videos EVER!

In our unending quest to bring you articles with the words "ever" and "never" in them, today we go to the BBC News and a story about Islam State in Iraq and Syria. (ISIS)

By now it is well known that Islamic State (IS) produces propaganda videos of exceptional quality. They are slick, smart and incredibly powerful. It is no exaggeration to say they are the best-produced videos to have EVER(caps are mine) emerged from the global jihad movement.

This is quite something, given that jihadist groups have always been at the forefront of harnessing new technology for their own ends.

Even with this in mind, the release of another IS video on Sunday was remarkable for a number of reasons. The group's nihilism and gross barbarism is packaged with the kind of artistic care that might be more expected in a Tarantino thriller.

After a long introduction outlining the IS version of history, the group is shown marching 20 men to their deaths.

Menacing sounds - the clanging of swords and the heavy, desperate breathing of men who know what comes next. Slow motion shots capture the stony fear etched on the victims' faces.

Halfway through the slaughter the ringleader - a British man dubbed "Jihadi John" - stops and looks directly into the camera. It is breathtakingly callous.

There is a point to all this violence. It is not for its own sake. IS believes it is divinely commanded to adopt particularly draconian and savage tactics because there is a verse of the Koran which issues a command to "strike terror into [the hearts of] the enemies of Allah".

Although its actual meaning is heavily disputed (even among other jihadists), the easy literalism of the IS approach to the Koran explains why the group films and disseminates grisly videos.

The aim is to build and maintain an asymmetric advantage over their enemies. They want us to be afraid - and we are.

Unlike previous videos which are believed to have been filmed in Raqqah, a Syrian city which serves as Islamic State's stronghold, this one is shot in Dabiq.

The city features in a recorded statement attributed to the Prophet Mohammed, known as hadith. The hadith are very important to Muslims and are regarded as providing another source of law alongside the Koran.

Dabiq features strongly in the eschatological aspects of normative Islamic belief.

Based on Prophetic sayings, IS believes the town will take centre stage in a cosmic battle between East and West. The armies of Islam will triumph and the West will crumble.

IS will have chosen the town for their latest video quite deliberately as Western leaders are taunted to send ground troops. "We will break this last and final crusade," says "Jihadi John".

The video ends with the severed head of Abdul-Rahman Kassig (formerly Peter Kassig), a remarkable and selfless humanitarian worker who helped everyone in Syria regardless of their politics.


OK, let's break this down;
ISIS makes the best videos ever!  If you are a poor, barefoot 15 yr old boy sitting in a mud hut in Muslim land someplace, you could watch a video like this that shows a kid about your age with a rocket launcher on his shoulder, a rifle slung over his back, a grenade in his pouch, wearing a cool uniform and the appeal would be huge!  In America, young boys want to be cowboys, policemen, football players....but in jihad land, millions aspire to be like the "heroes" in the videos.  Furthermore, the video has a message that scrolls across that says, "Respond to Allah and his messenger".

So if you are that barefoot boy who has no money, no women, no hope for glory, no chance at a job, and you believe you are going to hell when you die unless you can come up with a ton of good works...and even then there is no guarantee....WHY WOULDN'T YOU leave your miserable life and head to ISIS glory land....and get you a piece of Allah triumph?

Of course, the lie that the liberal media, the Pope and all the other liberal "Christian" leaders want you to believe is that poverty is the source of all these jihad problems.  They tell us that jihad would probably dry up if we could just pull all these billion people up to the middle class.  They assure us that if that could happen, THEN we would have peace on earth, good will toward men!

That is a lie from the pit of hell.  There are many well off Muslims who still believe it is their job to kill infidels and fight for Allah....remember the rich man named Osama Bin Laden?

Please note that ISIS is now taunting the USA and it's Western allies about how futile the bombings of ISIS actually are.  They want the USA and The West to send boots on the ground!  They want some real soldiers to fight!  Why?  Because, as the article says, their prophecy says they are going to crush the Western powers in a final battle in Dabiq...and they are now in Dabiq cutting people's heads off and chomping at the bit to get this final battle started!!

Meanwhile, back here in USA, Team Obama just fired Chuck Hagel.  Hagel will now join the other two disgruntled exes, Robert Gates and Leon Panetta.  They are all saying that Team Obama is a disaster and has a very poor relationship with the US Military.  Perfect!!  Just what we need as the world appears on the edge of WWIII!

I'm glad God is in total control!  Not that that means America won't be destroyed....but that no matter what happens on this earth, those of us whose lives are in Christ will NEVER be plucked from His hand.

Amen!  Even so, come Lord Jesus!

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