
Monday, December 1, 2014

Ouija Board is Top Trending Toy for Christmas

Do you think America already has enough problems facing us?  How about throwing a few million demon-possessed teenagers on top of the heap?

Believe it or not, but the Ouija Board — a game that some believe opens the door to the spirit world — is one of the top trending toys that is “making a comeback this season,” according to Google.

And it’s a development that has some faith leaders warning of potentially disastrous repercussions.

Attributing the recent resurgent rise in popularity of the Ouija Board to the October release of a movie called “Ouija,” Google reported on its commerce blog that online searches for the board game are up 300 percent since the film reached the big screen.

An Irish priest who serves as an exorcist spoke on condition of anonymity recently, telling Ireland’s Independent that this development is anything but positive.

Another faith leader, the late Rev. Tom Willis, is quoted by the Daily Mail as saying in 2012 that he personally saw the board game cause a great deal of harm to those who used it.

“A lot more people are dabbling in the occult and having seances, and that is causing a lot of problems,” he said. “In the Sixties, the Ouija board caused so many problems — people ending up in mental hospitals because of what they have experienced.”


"Oh Dennis!  Milton Bradley has been making Ouija Boards for decades!  Lots of us played with them at slumber parties in the 1950's and 1960's and nothing ever really happened!"

Really?  How about the drug culture that exploded in the 1960's and 1970's?

How about the collapse of Christian churches and the false doctrines and false teachers that have exploded in America?

How about the rampant idolatry that makes us have to have the newest cars, the biggest houses, biggest boats and biggest TV's while simply calling it, "The American dream"?

How about the fornication and "free-love" that exploded in the 1960's and '70's?  Do you think that has anything to do with the fact that 110,000,000 Americans have a venereal disease today?

How about the famine of Bible knowledge that has swept our land?

Are they all related?  Probably not.  Satan has a lot of tricks up his sleeve...many of them that make us stumble off the narrow path, and the Ouija Board is just one more...but I do know that the kids of today are being inundated with Satanic messages and images...unlike any other time in history.  The terrifying crap that Hollywood churns out and that our kids spend hours consuming is literally mind numbing.

And I will guarantee that NOTHING GOOD will come from the Hollywood movie called OUIJA and the corresponding increased interest in kids wanting to "play" with Ouija boards.

God warned mankind long ago to have NOTHING to do with familiar spirits....they are from Satan. They were then and they are now.  Nothing has changed...except for the spiritual ignorance of the American people.

"Here Jimmy!  Your dad and I bought you your very own Ouija Board in celebration of Christmas!  Now you can go into your room anytime you like, close your eyes, light a candle and call on your Grandma Louise!  Isn't it great that we are such a spiritual family!"

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