
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Rabbis Slaughtered in Jerusalem

Jerusalem, once again, is the top headline on Google News.  And once again the news is not good news.

Three Americans Among Four Rabbis 'Slaughtered' in Jerusalem Synagogue

JERUSALEM — Two Palestinians stormed a Jerusalem synagogue, opening fire and using knives and axes to attack Jews praying inside, officials said Tuesday. Four rabbis were killed — including three dual U.S.-Israeli nationals — and six other people wounded.

The attackers were later killed in a shootout with police. "Everybody was praying peacefully without any disruptions whatsoever and then all of a sudden the terrorists go into a place of worship and peace and turn it into a killing nightmare," Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld told BBC Radio 4.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said: “Human beasts committed a massacre, and they came charged with hatred against the Jewish people and their state.”

Israeli police told NBC News that three of the dead were dual U.S.-Israeli citizens. Britain's Foreign Office confirmed the death of a dual U.K.-Israeli national. Police said the slain included Rabbi Moshe Twersky, the son of Boston-born Isadore Twersky who founded Harvard University's Center for Jewish Studies. Rabbi Cary Levine, Rabbi Avraham Goldberg and Rabbi Aryeh Kopinsky were also killed, according to an announcement made by the synagogue.

Netanyahu vowed to "respond with a heavy hand to the brutal murder of Jews who came to pray and were met by reprehensible murderers." He later ordered the demolition of the attackers' homes although he did not confirm the names of the perpetrators.

Israel police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld told NBC News that the two attackers were from the neighborhood of Jabal Mukaber in east Jerusalem, which has been the scene of clashes between Israeli police and Palestinian protesters in recent months.

The attack comes amid spiking tensions in Jerusalem. The weekend death of a Palestinian bus driver worsened tensions in and around Jerusalem. The body of 32-year-old Youssef Ramouni was found hanged in a bus at the start of the route he was supposed to have driven on Sunday, in an area of Jerusalem close to Jewish settlements and Palestinian neighborhoods, according to Reuters. Israeli officials said his death was suicide, but Ramouni’s relatives and other Palestinians say he was killed by settlers.


Another article notes that the attackers were yelling "Allah Akbar!" as they swung their meat cleavers.

Hmmmm.....if it was up to Team Obama they would simply label this as 'workplace violence' and say how sad it is that workers can turn on each other and make a comment about how guns are bad.

Friends, it's going to continue to get ugly in Israel.  Obama is negotiating a way for Iran to get a nuclear weapon.  Israel is going to have to go into Iran and do what The West is terrified to do...wipe out their nuclear capacity.  We can't let a nation led by Shi'ite Muslims get an atomic bomb and screw it on the end of a missile.  Israel knows this...but Obama ran as the "no more war!" he pretty much has tied his own hands in this department.  He already is eating crow having to go back into Iraq to fight ISIS...but has made sure to tell ISIS that USA will NEVER put boots back on the ground in Iraq.

Whew!...says ISIS.....that's a relief!!  Now we can keep beheading folks and raping women and just remember to do it in the basement so the bombers and drones can't see us!

But I digress....

Back to Israel and the angry Muslims that surround them!

The Bible is clear that God has big plans for Jerusalem and big plans for the Jews.  Satan would love nothing more than to ruin God's plans and to break even one prophecy and thereby make God a liar who is incapable of fulfilling His promises.  Currently Satan is using Islam as one of his tools....but please have faith!  We will win in the end!

Micah 4:2 
Many nations will come and say, “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the temple of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths.” The law will go out from Zion, the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.

If you want to see how the Palestinians are celebrating the slaughter of the Rabbis, you can see that here;

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