
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Obama the "Dog of Rome"

Obama doesn't like Israel.  He does seem to favor it must be shocking to him that the Islamic State (ISIS) doesn't like him.

“To Obama, the dog of Rome, today we are slaughtering the soldiers of Bashar, and tomorrow we will slaughter your soldiers, and with Allah’s permission, we will break this final and last crusade, and the Islamic state will soon, like your puppet David Cameron said, will begin to slaughter your people on your streets”

As the Islamic State is shown spreading over the Middle East and North Africa, ISIS leader al-Baghdadi, who is believed to have been badly injured in a recent air strike tells listeners: “We give you good news, by announcing the expansion of the Islamic State to new lands”.

The final segment of the film shows al-Britani standing over the severed head of American soldier and aid worker Peter Kassig, in a shot designed to goad Western forces into action. Filmed in Dabiq, a town central to the core myths surrounding the Islamic State, al-Britani accuses America of continuing to occupy Iraq despite an official withdrawal with “hidden forces”.

ISIS believes a great battle will occur in the town of Dabiq, and it will be there they will triumph over the West. Alluding to this, while standing on a hill overlooking the town with the head of Kassig, al-Britaini says: “and here we are, burying the first American crusader in Dabiq, eagerly waiting for the remainder of your armies to arrive”.


Muslim prophecy says there will be a great battle in the town of Dabiq and Islam will finally defeat The West in that battle.  They want our US forces to go there to fight because they believe Allah is on their side and will give them the victory.

We have no doubt Allah (Satan) is on their side.  But now that Allah has been invited to "guide the USA" by an Imam praying in Congress (see blog post from yesterday)....we are wondering if God will still be on the side of any US forces sent to battle the Muslims?

One day US forces will have to be sent in to defeat this demonic horde of Muslims who call themselves ISIS.  Obama has told his followers that we can defeat ISIS by flying drones shooting missiles at them....but every general you hear interviewed has said that boots will ultimately have to be on the ground to wipe out and defeat ISIS.

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