
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Mormonism is a "Sex-Cult"

Bill Maher is a liberal atheist with his own TV show.  He was born a Jew...but clearly enjoys mocking all religions.

Recently, he mocked Islam and the liberals that usually love Bill when he is busy mocking Jesus or the Bible...they came out of their skin to argue with Bill that Islam is about peace...and you can't mock Islam because that would be 'racist'!....they told him.

Hmmmm.....we don't agree with Bill on hardly anything EXCEPT when he points out how Muslims have lots of organized groups all over the world whose sole purpose it to kill anyone who disagrees with their beliefs about Allah and Muhammad.

Today Bill is in the news again for mocking a religion.  This time he is mocking Mormonism and believe me, there is MUCH to be made fun of in that religion.

Comedian Bill Maher has in a recent tirade against Mormonism termed the it is a faith based on a 19th century sex cult. Maher’s not so kind words against the Mormons came just days after the Mormon church revealed that its founding prophet John Smith had as many as 40 wives. The revelations came after a number of essays were posted online by religious leaders who were on an effort to come clean about the history of the religion, reports the Washington Times.

Bill Maher who is usually seen bashing Islam seems to have liked the change and did not waste any time in going on a tirade against them Mormons soon after the essays began to be publicly discussed. He called the religion a sex cult deep rooted in the 19th century.

“This religion is based on a sex cult. It is plainly based on a 19th century sex cult. And if we didn’t have Mormonism, we’d have to invent it for all the religious people who need something to look down on because they believe in something crazy, this would be it,” Bill Maher says.

He further adds.

“What I love is he said he had a revelation in 1831 from an angel who said, ‘Marry plurally — get as many b–—s as you can up in there.’ Joseph Smith, [the church] says, resisted three times until the angel came down with the sword, threatening Joseph with destruction unless he obeyed. And you can’t argue with an armed angel.”

The recent revelations also add that one of John Smith’s wives was only aged 14 while some others were already married to some of his friends. One of his wives was aged 56, the essays revealed. In an earlier report the Inquisitr had said that many of the religions adherents believe that polygamy was commanded by god and that it was revealed to Smith. However, it was followed only reluctantly by his followers.

This is not the first time Bill Maher has taken on and ridiculed a religion. He has targeted almost every major religion in the world and has said that he hates how most of them try to push their religious views on others. Bill Maher also happens to be an atheist.

Do you think Bill Maher was needlessly critical of the religion in this particular instance?


Now listen friends. as followers of Christ we need to be mindful and knowledgeable about other religions so that we can speak Truth to them when we are given an opportunity.  If we remain ignorant about Mormonism and the lies that make up that entire religion...we might end up believing that Mormons are brothers and sisters in Christ..and end up spending ZERO time telling them about Jesus.

Joel Osteen even came out and said that Mormons are brothers and sisters in Christ....because Mormons refer to themselves as "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints." how many of his followers are going to assume that Mormons are saved and don't need to be evangelized?

However, making fun of someones religion TO THEIR FACE would probably not be productive in helping win souls for KNOW what other religions teach but use that info to speak to them, NOT ridicule them.

"See!!  The Mormons believe in Jesus!...because their name even says so!"

Nope!  The Mormons worship a different Jesus.

"Depart from me!  I don't know you!", says the One, Real Jesus on judgment day.

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