
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The War on the Israeli Home Front

The Wall Street Journal is filled with prophetic articles today.  The front page has the article and photo from the funeral of the Jewish Rabbis killed in Jerusalem.  There is an article about how the Russian Ruble is now free floating because it's value has dropped by 30% in the past 6 months. There is an article about how Japan is on the brink of financial catastrophe as they simply have no answers on what to do when a society quits having children...and begins a slow death.  Then there is an article about how the Muslims in ISIS captured the city of Dabiq, Syria because they believe prophecies from the Hadith that say Muslims will conquer a Western Army in the city...and this is why they beheaded American Peter Kassig in this city and then taunted the US Military to come meet them in Dabiq to fight.

Wow!  Can the world get any more interesting.  It seems that 7/8 of the world's news is centered on crazy stuff happening all over....much of it in the Middle East

Now, back to the Wall Street Journal.  If you go to page A13 today you will find an article titled THE WAR ON THE ISRAELI HOME FRONT.

On the morning of Feb. 25, 1994, the Jewish holiday of Purim, Baruch Goldstein, a far-right activist living in the West Bank town of Kiryat Arba, entered the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron and gunned down 29 Muslim men at prayer.

The horror within Israeli society was overwhelming and unequivocal. Speaking from the Knesset podium, Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin excommunicated Goldstein from the people of Israel. The country’s two chief rabbis denounced the attack as a desecration of God’s name, the ultimate Jewish sin. The official publication of the West Bank settlement movement, Nekudah, denounced Goldstein, a settler, as a stain on its camp. Only a radical fringe sought to justify and explain the massacre as a response to Palestinian provocations.

Tuesday’s massacre by two Palestinian terrorists of four Jews at prayer in a Jerusalem synagogue is the Palestinian Baruch Goldstein moment. Yet rather than respond with shame to the murder of those Jews, as well as of an Israeli police officer, the Palestinian reaction has ranged from reluctant condemnation to outright celebration. Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas, reportedly after being pressed by Secretary of State John Kerry, condemned the attack—even as he cited Israeli “provocative acts.” Less equivocal was Mr. Abbas’s adviser on religious affairs, Mahmoud Al-Habbash, who said of the terrorists: “We are behind them. The leadership is with them.” Palestinians cheered in the streets of Gaza.

Since 2000, when the Oslo peace process collapsed, Israel has been fighting one long war, interspersed with prolonged cease fires. In this war, the primary targets on the Israeli side are not its soldiers but its civilians. The first phase of this new unnamed war—and what might be called the war of the Israeli home front—were the four years of Palestinian suicide bombings on Israeli buses and in cafes, ending with Israeli victory in 2004. Then came the Lebanon War of 2006, when the Lebanese terrorist militia, Hezbollah, fired missiles into towns and villages in northern Israel. At the same time, thousands of missiles fired by Hamas from Gaza were falling on Israeli communities in the south.

In an era of moral madness, in which much of the world judges Israel more harshly than it judges Hamas, this must be said: Nothing Israel does or doesn’t do is responsible for provoking young Palestinians to hack to death Jews in prayer. The provocation is Jewish prayer itself, the right of the Jewish people to live in its land.

One image from the synagogue massacre will haunt Jews for a long time to come. According to a medic on the scene, terrorists severed an arm wrapped in the straps of tefillin, the phylacteries in which religious Jews recite their morning prayers. That terrible image has reinforced the prevailing sense within Israeli society that the war against the state of Israel is only the latest phase of an old war against the Jews.


And there!!...He said it!!  The Arabs hate Jews and want none of them to live in this land!  It won't matter if Europe and the world DO give the Arabs another death-cult state called Palestine!  That's not going to stop them from waging war against Jews.  Does anyone really believe that the PLO is going to quit teaching their kids to kill Jews once they get their own state?  Does anyone really believe that the Arabs are going to all of sudden shun Militant Islam if only they could have their own state called Palestine?

The world is deluded if they think this.  And clearly many do.  The nation of Sweden just announced they are going to recognize the Palestinian state regardless of how the peace process with Israel manifests.

Brilliant Sweden!  The top boys name in your city of Malmo, is Muhammad!....and you have thousands of Muslims living in your midst who have NO PLANS on turning into Swedes...and yet you are pushing for another death-cult, Muslim state right next to Israel.  What??

People, the nation of Israel isn't perfect.  No nation is.  The Bible says they will be brought back into this Holy Land while they are in a stage of unbelief in Almighty God.  But after the rapture of the church....this is all going to change.  God will start to reveal Himself to His Chosen that one day "all Israel will be saved".  (Read Romans)  Sadly, many folks, including Jews, are going to die in the process of The Great Tribulation....before Jesus returns to set up His kingdom in Jerusalem.


  1. What is your interpretation of "all Israel"? Does that mean every Jew from all time? Or since Jesus' first advent? Or during tribulation? Other?

    I've heard so many different interpretations of this Romans passage I was just curious what yours was.

  2. Hi Anonymous,
    here is the passage from Romans 11:

    All Israel Will Be Saved
    25 I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers and sisters, so that you may not be conceited: Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the full number of the Gentiles has come in, 26 and in this way all Israel will be saved. As it is written:

    “The deliverer will come from Zion;
    he will turn godlessness away from Jacob.
    27 And this is my covenant with them
    when I take away their sins.”

    It says that Israel has received a 'hardening" until the full number of gentiles has come in. When the full number has come in then I believe the Bible says that the Father will send the Son to claim his bride(the church)...and we would call this the rapture of the church. After the rapture, the Antichrist will be revealed and I believe this passage from Romans 11 would lend evidence to the idea that the Jews in Israel AT THIS TIME will begin to turn back to God as they see His mighty hand do some miraculous things to save them. (Ezekiel 38 for instance)

    Jesus said, "No man comes to the Father except through me" it would be hard to reconcile those words with believing the every Jew from all time will be saved. Think of the pharisees and Sadducee who rejected Jesus to his face?

    I think some things will remain a mystery until we see them play which time we might say, "Oh! I get it!" But it is VERY clear that after the rapture, Israel is going to be the focal point and God will begin to lift the "hardening" so that they will understand the Gospel and be saved. Also remember there will be 144,000 Jewish evangelists during the Tribulation who will be preaching Truth and will probably lead many Jews to Jesus during The Tribulation.

    Anyway, those are some of my thoughts on the topic...but in no way would I be dogmatic about who may be included in "all Israel".
