
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

2015...The Year of Conflict?

Everything is going so great in America!...says all the media outlets.

In fact, I just read a headline that America is expected to lead the world in economic growth!  Happy days are here again!....says the media.

But are they really?

Washington Has Shaped 2015 to Be a Year of Conflict. The Conflict Could Be Intense

Washington is the cause of the conflict, which has been brewing for some time. Russia was too weak to do anything about it when the Clinton regime pushed NATO to Russia’s borders and illegally attacked Yugoslavia, breaking the country into small easily controlled pieces. Russia was also too weak to do anything about it when the George W. Bush regime withdrew from the ABM treaty and undertook to locate anti-ballistic missile bases on Russia’s borders. Washington lied to Moscow that the purpose of the ABM bases was to protect Europe from non-existent Iranian nuclear ICBMs. However, Moscow understood that the purpose of the ABM bases was to degrade Russia’s nuclear deterrent, thereby enhancing Washington’s ability to coerce Russia into agreements that compromise Russian sovereignty. 

Today the Russian government no longer has any illusion that Europe is capable of an independent foreign policy. Russian President Vladimir Putin has stated publicly that Russia has learned that diplomacy with Europe is pointless, because European politicians represent Washington’s interest, not Europe’s. Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov recently acknowledged that Europe’s Captive Nation status has made it clear to Russia that Russian goodwill gestures are unable to produce diplomatic results.

With Moscow’s delusion shattered that diplomacy with the West can produce peaceful solutions, reality has set in, reinforced by the demonization of Vladimir Putin by Washington and its vassal states. Hillary Clinton called Putin the new Hitler. While Washington incorporates former constituent parts of the Russian and Soviet empires into its own empire and bombs seven countries, Washington claims that Putin is militarily aggressive and intends to reconstitute the Soviet empire. Washington arms the neo-nazi regime Obama established in Ukraine, while erroneously claiming that Putin has invaded and annexed Ukrainian provinces. All of these blatant lies are echoed repeatedly by the Western presstitutes. Not even Hitler had such a compliant media as Washington has.

Every diplomatic effort by Russia has been blocked by Washington and has come to naught. So now Russia has been forced by reality to update its military doctrine. The new doctrine approved on December 26 states that the US and NATO comprise a major military threat to the existence of Russia as a sovereign independent country. 

The Russian document cites Washington’s war doctrine of pre-emptive nuclear attack, deployment of anti-ballistic missiles, buildup of NATO forces, and intent to deploy weapons in space as clear indications that Washington is preparing to attack Russia.

Washington is also conducting economic and political warfare against Russia, attempting to destabilize the economy with economic sanctions and attacks on the ruble. The Russian document acknowledges that Russia faces Western threats of regime change achieved through “actions aimed at violent change of the Russian constitutional order, destabilization of the political and social environment, and disorganization of the functioning of governmental bodies, crucial civilian and military facilities and informational infrastructure of Russia.” Foreign financed NGOs and foreign owned Russian media are tools in Washington’s hands for destabilizing Russia.

Washington’s reckless aggressive policy against Russia has resurrected the nuclear arms race. Russia is developing two new ICBM systems and in 2016 will deploy a weapons system designed to negate the US anti-ballistic missile system. In short, the evil warmongers that rule in Washington have set the world on the path to nuclear Armageddon.  


What??  Washington is preparing to attack Russia??  Could the Russian government REALLY believe that?

Wait...we aren't planning that...are we?

A path to nuclear Armageddon??  Really?  Have the evil warmongers in Washington really done such a thing?

Have you ever caught a raccoon in a live trap?  As long as you keep your distance the coon will just look at you.  But if you walk up to the trap and get too close the coon will let out a snarl that will make your the hair on your arms stand up.  And believe me, even if you put your hand near the cage to push the door open to let the coon will do everything in it's power to maul your hand.

Could Russia be feeling like a trapped coon right about now?  Oil prices have already fallen by 50% since June and much of Russia's budget is based on selling oil at $100 per barrel so her economy is feeling the pain.  On top of that the sanctions imposed by Europe and the USA are starting to bite into maybe she is feeling like a caged coon?

I can say one thing for in Minnesota, things are feeling pretty good all around us.  The buildings that are going up, the cars that are being sold, the businesses that have "help wanted" signs posted and the general feeling that "good times" are upon us...are certainly giving a grand feeling that peace and safety are here.

As I just recently quoted, "While they are saying peace and safety, destruction will come on them suddenly."

Interesting times.....

Hat tip to Jared F.

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