
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

China Has the Gold. Is The West Bankrupt?

The financial news continues to be extreme.  One article says the U.S. is going to lead the global economy in 2015...while the next one says the U.S. is going to collapse when the global economy realizes that our paper money is backed ONLY by unsustainable promises.

Alisdair Macleod of in a recent article    suggests China may already have accumulated between 20,000 and 25,000 tons of gold prior to 2002.  Please read this very carefully as it makes very good sense and puts a piece into the puzzle which was missing for so long.  Let me also add, if this turns out to be true then it is THE biggest financial news since August 15, 1971 when the U.S. defaulted on the gold standard.

Macleod believes that China has been playing possum regarding their gold reserves.  If you recall, China announced in 2009 they had accumulated a whopping 1,054 tons of gold.  The news at the time was a huge surprise and led to bullishness in the gold market as China was then a confirmed buyer.  This total vaulted them into the major leagues of gold hoards.  If Macleod is correct about holdings of 20-25,000 tons AS OF 2003, why would China want to “lie” about how much gold they have accumulated?  It is important to understand the mindset of the Chinese and the deep rooted thought process instilled in them by General Sun Tzu.  “Deception” is a core strategy to war, under this category would come the thought “help your opponent in his underestimation of you”.  Why would the Chinese announce true or huge holdings if it was their intent to continue hoarding?  They wouldn’t.

To finish I want to point out the obvious.  If China has amassed 20,000, 25,000 tons of gold or even more, what does it mean?  It means the West is financially bankrupt as by process of elimination much of this gold has had to come from Western vaults!  It means that money and power has shifted East right before our very eyes and under our noses.  It means that China can price or value gold at any price they would like …and in any currency they’d like.  It means we will be living in a China centric world where the “rules are made by those who have the gold”.  It means the U.S. (and much of the West) will be relegated to nearly immediate 3rd world status.  The danger of course is in today’s world, if this really was a miscalculation by the West, a very nasty and game ending war could break out.  I don’t believe we will have to wait too long to find out if China did in fact play possum as Alisdair Macleod may have now let the cat out of the bag!  As I said at the beginning, this could be THE biggest financial revelation in over 40 years!


Many of us have heard the old saying, "Him with the gold makes the rules."  That saying is not an old-wives's actually true.

So has China cornered the market?  Have we all been so busy shopping at malls and maxing out our credit cards that we haven't noticed that China has stolen the RESERVE CURRENCY status from the USA?  Could USA become a 3rd world nation within a very short time?

Remember, America isn't found in Bible prophecy.  Clearly at some point in the future we are going to be removed from power.  How that might happen is totally up for debate.  Does the rapture collapse us?  Does our paper money scheme collapse in on itself leaving us unable to pay our bills? Do terrorists, Russia or Iran detonate a nuke on our coast and take us out of the game?  Or do we get embroiled in unrest as the riots in Ferguson, MO continue to spread and rip the very fabric of our nation into shreds?

I'm hoping for the rapture.

Hat tip to Jared F.

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