
Friday, January 2, 2015

Foreigners Remove Their Gold From USA

You all will have to read this article and decide for yourselves whether it has any significance. Remember, we just post the headlines and do our best to encourage people to be excited about Christ's return.

As the great old hymn reminds us, "This world is not my home, we're just a passing through."

As the Bible reminds us, "Lay up your treasures in heaven where moth and rust won't destroy them."

It was just disclosed today by the Federal Reserve that foreign nations removed a shocking 1.52 million oz of gold from the US in November - gold that was being stored in the vaults of the New York Fed. The last time foreigners removed this much gold from the New York Fed in a single month was back in March of 2001, six months ahead of 9/11.

Over the last 12 months, foreigners have shipped back to their homeland a total of 5.52 million oz of gold! This includes 2.87 million oz during the last two months.

Historically, any time foreigners have removed such a large amount of gold from the US in a 12 month period - it has been a warning sign that a major recession/financial crisis is imminent. In October of 2007, total gold removed from the US over the trailing 12 month period surpassed 5.5 million oz - and the US officially entered into a recession three months later, which later became a global financial crisis. However, at no point leading up to or during the global financial crisis, did foreigners remove more than 1.28 million oz of gold in a single month!


So is it possible that  a "major recession/financial crisis is imminent"?

It would certainly make sense if it was.  Financial catastrophes seldom happen when people expect them.  Rather they tend to come out of left field...when everyone is feeling great about the future.

And as we have said recently, unemployment is down, the stock market is up, gas prices are down, consumer confidence is up, corporate profits are up and interest rates are down.  Certainly we are in the BEST OF TIMES!....until we realize it is all just a mirage...and we are hanging all our hopes and dreams on little, printed pieces of paper that say, $1, $5, $10 and $20.

Just don't be surprised if 2015 turns out to be the year that the trap snaps on USA.  Our pride, arrogance and blatant disregard for Jesus Christ, the Creator of all things, has certainly reached a crescendo.

Hat tip to Jared F.

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