
Friday, January 2, 2015

Thousand Churches Destroyed

I wonder how many Muslim terrorist organizations need to be operating around the globe before The West will finally realize that Islam IS NOT a "great religion of peace" President Bush so erroneously announced following 9/11.

The examples of Muslims doing Satanic acts in the name of their god, Allah, continue to come forward.

A court in Pakistan upheld the death penalty for Asia Bibi, a Christian mother of four. She is accused of having made derogatory remarks about Islam after neighbors objected to her drinking water from their glass, because she was not a Muslim and therefore "unclean."

A successful Christian school in the United Kingdom was warned that it would be downgraded by inspectors and might even face closure after failing to invite a leader from another religion, such as a Muslim imam, to lead assemblies. "A Government consultation paper... makes clear that even taking children on trips to different places of worship would not be enough to be judged compliant."

"They then told me that since I refused to [convert to Islam] they would kill me.... They pinned me down and told me they will make death painful and slow, as they are not prepared to waste bullets on me. They said, 'Be warned that if any of you Muslims dares to assist him, he is also an infidel and we shall make sure that he too is killed.'" — Adamu, a Christian; Nigeria.

They are searching [for me] to cut my throat. When I go to mass, I say I am going to English classes because I plan to travel." — "Tarek," a convert to Christianity in Lebanon.

The police, far from interfering, actually incited the Muslim man.

"With no one on hand to know what is going on, it's easier to mistreat them." — Jason Demars, President, Present Truth Ministries.

About 100,000 Christians die every year because of their religious beliefs. — The Center for the Studies of Global Christianity in the United States.

In just two months, from August to October, nearly 200 Christian churches were destroyed in Nigeria by the Islamic organization Boko Haram and its Muslim allies, after their capture of towns and villages in the north-eastern states of Borno and Adamawa. In the words of Reverend Gideon Obasogie, the director of Catholic Social Communication of Maiduguri Diocese in Borno State: "The group's seizure of territory in both states has seen 185 churches torched and over 190,000 people displaced by their insurgency."

Obasogie added that Boko Haram's "ransacking and torching" of churches was "sad, heart-aching and potentially dangerous to the territorial integrity and common good of Nigeria.... Our priests are displaced, while citizens... are counting their losses and regrets as they have been reduced to the status of Internally Displaced Persons [IDP]. Where is the freedom?... Life is really terribly difficult."

In 2011, hundreds of Christians were killed and 430 churches destroyed or damaged in Nigeria by Boko Haram. In 2012, 900 Christians were slaughtered and an unknown number of churches destroyed. In 2013, 612 Christians were slaughtered and approximately 300 churches destroyed.

This suggests that in the last four years alone, approximately 1,000 Christian churches have been destroyed by Boko Haram and its Muslim sympathizers in a nation that is approximately half Christian half Muslim.


If this rage against Christians isn't another sign of the Last Days...I don't know what is.

Satan is upset.  He and his minions hate Jews and Israel, Christians and America.  That's why his Muslim horde has labeled Israel, "little Satan" and America "big Satan".  You see, with Satan, up means down and down means up...evil is called good and good is called evil.  So when a Muslim 12 yr old girl willingly blows herself up in a marketplace and kills 20 folks out buying groceries...she does it because she has been convinced she is doing a service to Allah....which she believes is a good thing.

In reality it's an evil thing.  As we are told by Christ, Satan is the father of all lies.

When Muslims descend on a farmer in Nigeria who refuses to renounce Christ and cut his throat and leave him for dead...they believe they are doing a service for God...but in reality they are serving Satan/Allah.

John 16
2 They will put you out of the synagogue; in fact, the time is coming when anyone who kills you will think they are offering a service to God.

Friends, the battle against Islam is a spiritual Paul clearly outlined in Ephesians 6.  We will not win this battle with guns, tanks and needs to be won with prayer.

Sadly, how many churches in America have already bought into the lie that Islam is a religion of peace and that Muslims are already walking on one of the "many paths that lead to God." because of belief in this lie, how many Christians in America are aggressively praying AGAINST the forces of Islam...and praying that Muslims be delivered from this oppressive lie?

If we aren't already praying for Jesus to deliver Muslims from the lies of Islam...let's resolve ourselves to start doing it today.

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