
Friday, January 2, 2015

Idiotic Protesters Continue Making a Mess

It seems some people continue to be upset about a black thug being killed by a white cop this past summer.  They have taken to the streets in numerous states and refuse to follow the laws of peaceful protesting.

I'n going to ask you now to take a wild guess....if you went and took a poll of the protesters standing around, blocking traffic and making up stupid songs to chant...what percentage of them do you think voted for Obama and other democrats? are right!  100%  Why do you suppose this is?  Because the folks who vote Republican are too busy at work to take time out to stand in the streets and block traffic while complaining about how life isn't fair.

The brave Portland #Ferguson demonstrators were back at it again Saturday evening, as they blocked the busy intersection of SE 39th and Belmont as a way of stickin’ it to the man.

They blocked buses and cars, and got into arguments and physical altercations with several people, including: elderly drivers, disabled bus passengers, a black woman who was trying to pick up her son, and anyone else who dared voice their dissent.

After about 20 minutes of tying up the intersection, the protest moved to nearby Peacock Lane, which is well known for its rows of large Christmas displays. The demonstrators sang parody Christmas carols, which included a brief rendition of “Deck the halls with rows of dead cops.”

While on Peacock Lane, which is very busy this time of year with folks who drive and walk through to see the lights, one driver decided to start plowing through the protesters. The crowd immediately mobbed the silver Jeep. It is unclear if anyone was injured or why the driver didn't stop for the crowd.

Take 3 minutes and watch the videos of protesters here;

Also remember the chanting that was done in NYC, "What do we want?...Dead cops!...When do we want it?....Now!!"

A few days later, two NYC cops were killed by a black Muslim while they sat in their cop car eating lunch.

Friends, a nation simply can't survive for very long when it becomes filled with people who can't read, write or even think straight.  Our founding fathers understood this well and warned us that we need to remain an educated and God-fearing nation in order for our Constitution to function.

Sadly, millions and millions of us are no longer God-fearing and millions more are convinced that America owes them food, shelter and clothing...regardless of how hard they work or what they do!

Standing in the streets yelling stupid chants and making people late for their apppointments is NOT going to accomplish anything....except to make the divide in the nation even wider.

One day, unless God intervenes, this nation is going to have major unrest.  It may even head towards another civil war.

"A nation divided will not stand."

1 comment:

  1. The forefathers also warned what would happen when people realize they can vote themselves 'free' stuff. Wait, those entitlements already are going to >50% of the population...see your more recent post on us going bankrupt. this just puts another brick on the accelerator as the spineless jellyfish politicians just vote to 'borrow' more money.
    In our down is up society, what happens when the people take peace for grated? They turn on the soldiers who fight, shed blood, and die for that liberty. Check. They defend those who do evil as though they were wrong and turn on those that are just. Check. They turn on the very police and ambulance and fire protection they will call upon when they are in need. Check. Checkmate for idiot-cracy everywhere? Check.
