
Monday, January 5, 2015

January 5th...The Center Point of Blood Moons Prophecy

Many of you have heard of the 4 consecutive blood moons that started happening in April 2014 and will conclude in October of 2015.

Some prophecy watchers believe that these blood moons have NOTHING to do with anything.  Other watchers believe that these 4 blood moons ALL falling on Jewish Feast days is simply too much of a coincidence to ignore.

So the prophetic community is divided over whether this is a sign to "Watch!"

A reader sent me this link today and points out that TODAY, January 5th, 2015 is the midpoint of all sorts of blood moons and solar eclipses...some over Jerusalem and the current blood moons not even seen in Jerusalem.

God set the sun and the moon in the that there can be no doubt.  He also mentions that the sun, moon and stars would be used as signs in the very last days.

Could the information on the following chart simply be a big coincidence....or is God using it as one more sign to wake up his bride, the Church, as to the nearness of his coming?

Here is the link to the blood moons site where you can see the chart below in addition to much more information on these rare blood moons.

Hat tip to Ron G.

Now check out this chart below;

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