
Monday, January 5, 2015

Is God Really "On the Ropes"?

Many of you may have heard of the uber-liberal website,  For those of you who haven't, it seems to be a site run by atheists who appear to be VERY upset by Christians who actually believe in God and the Bible.

Here is just one recent example;

God is on the ropes: The brilliant new science that has creationists and the Christian right terrified

The Christian right’s obsessive hatred of Darwin is a wonder to behold, but it could someday be rivaled by the hatred of someone you’ve probably never even heard of. Darwin earned their hatred because he explained the evolution of life in a way that doesn’t require the hand of God. Darwin didn’t exclude God, of course, though many creationists seem incapable of grasping this point. But he didn’t require God, either, and that was enough to drive some people mad.

Darwin also didn’t have anything to say about how life got started in the first place — which still leaves a mighty big role for God to play, for those who are so inclined. But that could be about to change, and things could get a whole lot worse for creationists because of Jeremy England, a young MIT professor who’s proposed a theory, based in thermodynamics, showing that the emergence of life was not accidental, but necessary. “[U]nder certain conditions, matter inexorably acquires the key physical attribute associated with life,” he was quoted as saying in an article in Quanta magazine early in 2014, that’s since been republished by Scientific American and, more recently, by Business Insider. In essence, he’s saying, life itself evolved out of simpler non-living systems.

If England’s theory works out, it will obviously be an epochal scientific advance. But on a lighter note, it will also be a fitting rebuke to pseudo-scientific creationists, who have long mistakenly claimed that thermodynamics disproves evolution (here, for example), the exact opposite of what England’s work is designed to show — that thermodynamics drives evolution, starting even before life itself first appears, with a physics-based logic that applies equally to living and non-living matter.


So what do you think, my Christian-right friends?  Are you terrified that God is about to be proved false...according to Salon?  Are atheist scientists finally going to take a bunch of lifeless matter, put it in a test tube, strike it with a lightning bolt and create life?  This dude from MIT is telling us that his theory shows that LIFE ITSELF EVOLVED OUT OF SIMPLER NON-LIVING SYSTEMS.  Wow!!

Where did the non-living systems come from?  Who made the detailed order of our universe?  Who made gravity?  Who made light travel at 186,000 miles per second?  Who made sound travel at 700 miles per hour?  Who made our sun which burns every second with the force of millions of nuclear weapons all detonated at once?  Who keeps the earth's orbit in such a perfect oval...knowing full well that even a deviance of a few miles off could destroy all life as we know it?

Let's remember clearly that Jesus told Peter that His church would be built on the Rock and that not even the gates of hell would be able to tear it down.

Jesus CREATED all things.  "In the beginning was the Word....through Him ALL THINGS WERE MADE."

"The fool says in his heart, "There is no God."

Amen!  And let's watch the fools reveal themselves at an ever-alarming pace as the Creator of all things, Jesus, get's ever closer to His return to earth.

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