
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Europe Says Hamas Aren't Terrorists

Another crazy headline coming out of anti-Israel Europe today.

The European Parliament overwhelmingly backed the recognition of a Palestinian state "in principle" on Wednesday, following a series of votes on the issue in EU nations which have angered Israel.

Lawmakers approved the motion by 498 votes to 88 with 111 abstentions, although it was a watered down version of an original motion which had urged EU member states to recognize a Palestinian state unconditionally.

The socialist, greens and radical left groups in the European Parliament had wanted an outright call for the recognition of Palestinian statehood.  

But the centre-right European People's Party of European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker, the leading group in parliament, forced them into a compromise motion linking it to peace talks.  "There is no immediate unconditional recognition (of statehood)," EPP chief Manfred Weber said.

Several European parliaments have passed motions urging their governments to recognise a Palestinian state in recent weeks in a bid to pressure Israel to relaunch the moribund peace process.

France, Britain, Spain, Ireland and Portugal have all passed votes to that end. Sweden has gone even further, officially recognizing "Palestine" as a state.

The vote couldn't have been more poorly-timed, coming just hours after the EU provoked a storm of criticism by removing Hamas from its list of terrorist organizations due to an alleged "technical issue."

While EU officials rushed to explain that the move was only temporary and that it still related to Hamas as a terrorist group, Israeli officials were infuriated by the move.

"We are not satisfied with EU explanations that the removal of Hamas from the terror organization list is a 'technical matter,'" Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu challenged.

Other senior legislators had harsher words still, blasting the Europe's "blindness" and "loss of moral way."

Deputy Transportation Minister Tzipi Hotovely (Likud) said the decision "testifies to the disconnect by Europe from reality."

"Hamas which is responsible for hundreds of dead citizens in Israel, Hamas which trains three-year-old children with weapons, and Hamas which took all residents of the (Gaza) strip hostage as a shield for terror activities is the forefather of murderous terrorist organizations; those who whitewash an organization like this give terror a hand," she added.


Has Europe really lost their moral way?  What are morals anyway and where do we get them from? Who says that we shouldn't kill?  Who says that men shouldn't rape?  Who says marriage is between one man and one woman?  Who says that life begins as conception?  Who says that Israel is God's chosen land?  Who says He will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse her?  Who says that Jesus is the ONLY way?

Once we disconnect from God, the ONLY giver of life...all bets are off.  Humans, left to their own devices will ALWAYS make the wrong choices.

Who can honestly know the human heart?  It is wicked to the core.  All have sinned and fall short....way short.

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