
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Pope Now Called "Diplomatic Broker"

The Pope continues to make headlines almost every day.  He certainly has become one of the most popular Popes in history.

Today we find that the Pope had some hand in restoring the long-sunk relationship between USA and Cuba.

ROME — Pope Francis had quite a 78th birthday. The pontiff began Wednesday with prayers and a birthday celebration with tango dancers near St. Peter’s Square. His day ended with a historic diplomatic breakthrough between Cuba and the United States — and the disclosure that the Argentine pope played a key role as broker.

Francis is being credited for helping bridge the divide by first sending letters to President Obama and President Raúl Castro of Cuba, and then having the Vatican host a diplomatic meeting between the two sides in October.

“The Holy Father wishes to express his warm congratulations for the historic decision,” Francis said in a statement released Wednesday night by the Vatican.

But Francis has quickly become one of the world’s leading figures, and his role in the United States-Cuba breakthrough undoubtedly is tied to his status as the first Latin American pope of the Roman Catholic Church.

“He knows the Cuban situation by heart,” said Gianni La Bella, a professor of contemporary history and an expert in Latin American Catholicism, as well as a member of the Community of Sant’Egidio, a liberal Catholic group active in international affairs. “He visited when he was a cardinal and has a strong relationship with the archbishop of Havana, who is obviously a strategic player in this.”


Wait...did you catch that sentence?...."But Francis has quickly become one of the world’s leading figures".

Wow!  It certainly makes us wonder if this Pope, or the next, might have some part to play as the False Prophet that Revelation speaks of?  As we have said, even the atheists seem to like this Pope!

He prays with Muslims and even invites them pray to Allah in the Vatican.  He loosens the Catholic stand against homosexuality and truly wants to make peace with everyone!

That might sound good but is it?

Jesus was pretty clear that the world hated him and it would also hate His followers.  Why?  Probably because of the intolerant Gospel message that Jesus spoke, "I am the way, the truth and the life.  NO MAN comes to the Father except through me."

So by appeasing all people the Pope really spreading the Gospel message?

Aren't we supposed to be peacemakers by helping fallen man have peace with God?

I'm happy that we seem to have had a breakthrough with Cuba.  That's great!  But does the Pope have another agenda besides preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

I guess we will just have to watch and see.

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