
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Muhammad is Most Popular Name

One would expect Muhammad to be the most popular boys name in Egypt or Syria.

So what should be the most popular boy's name in the United Kingdom? Jack?  David?  Michael?'s Muhammad.

Last week the news arrived that the most popular name given to boys in the UK in 2014 was "Mohammed." The reactions and non-reactions to this story betrayed the deep unease and denial that are now part of the debate around Islam in modern Britain.

We have of course been here before. For some years now, there have been stories of "Mohammed" creeping up the list of most popular names in the UK. And each time the reaction has been similar.

First there come doubts over the sources of such stories, whether informal contributions from, for instance, new mothers' websites, or official statistics. There is also now extensive discussion about the varied possible spellings of the name (Muhammad and Mohammad for instance). Each year this leads to a fruitful and interesting debate about whether the reason why this name has come so high up the list of most popular boy's names is because all the different variants of the spelling have been clumped together or whether the name is lower down than it would be because they have been kept apart. This is a now traditional annual debate in Britain.

This year, the story came out with an added twist: whichever way you cooked it, it looked as if "Mohammed" had come out on top. This seemed to be the case with the Office for National Statistics official figures for England and Wales and this latest one, from the "Baby Centre." It was the latter that garnered a particular amount of attention. In the war between "Oliver" and "Mohammed" to reach the top spot, this poll came to the conclusion that if you put "Muhammad," "Mohammed" and "Mohammad" together, the variations brought the name to the top by a considerable margin.

And so, with the facts apparently all in this time, the debate moved on to another stage. The debate moved on to: "So what?" Take that week's edition of the BBC's main current affairs discussion program, Question Time. A question over the Mohammed naming matter came up from a clearly nervous and slightly baffled-sounding member of the audience. The response of the panel of politicians and pundits was striking.

I doubt if anybody in Britain actually believes that all these little Mohammeds are going to grow into Conservative cabinet ministers who are proud to be British, like Sajid Javid. If they did, then they would all be saying so proudly. But we have had a lot of Mohammeds go wrong in Britain in recent years. There have been bombers, and beheaders and fighters and more. And the name is not entirely connected, in the minds of any news-observant person, solely with peacefulness. We also know that at best, many of these Mohammeds will experience a considerable struggle over their religious and cultural identities. How many go which way is anybody's guess. Nobody could possibly say. But my own feeling is that if we were confident about most of the people involved going overwhelmingly the proud-to-be-British way, then we would discuss it. But we aren't, so we don't.

Naturally, people are not responsible for their parents' choice of a name. Nor would they necessarily be likely to emulate the men after whom they were named. But it would probably reasonable to assume that the choice of names might be telling you something about whom large numbers of people in your country identify with. At least it would seem a question worth discussing.

Here; you know what the #1 name is of the men who blow themselves up while murdering people and screaming, "Allah akbar!"?'s Muhammad!

Of course the liberals look at this news and don't see a problem.  "It just shows that the UK is a wonderful place of diversity!" the liberals will claim.

So let me ask you how many parents who are followers of Christ actually choose to name their kids Muhammad?

None.  Zero.  Zilch.

Clearly, fundamental leaning Muslim parents are choosing the name.  And look around the world. It's a clear fact that the higher the percentage of fundamentalist Muslims a country has, the more miserable, ignorant, nasty and poverty stricken will that nation be.

So UK....good luck with all of your liberal-diversity-horse poo....because you are not going to like the thousands of little boys who in 20 years will be young men...most of which have been raised by fundamentalist Muslim parents.

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