
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

They Burned the Teacher Alive

Almost daily now, the headlines bring us some news about the latest atrocity committed by the Muslims who seem to be the most committed to following the Koran.

Today the nastiness comes to us from Pakistan.  Today the Satanically inspired murders were done by the Taliban as they gunned down over 100 kids sitting in school.

The report also says the Taliban went into one classroom and doused the teacher in gasoline and lit him on fire while making the students watch.

"Hello Allah?...yes, could you give us some more atrocious, sadistic ideas to keep raising the bar on how we murder people?  Yep...we already beheaded kids and put their heads on sticks....yep...we already raped the little girls before we tortured them further and then killed them....ohhh....that's good, light him on fire and make the kids listen to him their nightmares will forever be haunted!  Love it!  Thanks Allah!  We hope you are pleased with our offerings of human flesh we continue to bring you!"

SHAWAR, Pakistan —Taliban militants laid siege to a Pakistan school in a brazen hours-long attack on Tuesday, killing more than 130 children in an atrocity condemned by the White House as "heinous" and "horrific."

More than eight hours after uniformed militants struck the school, the Pakistani military said the assault was finally over. Shortly thereafter, another loud explosion was heard in the city. It was not immediately clear where the explosion originated or what it was caused by.

Maj. Gen. Asim Bajwa, a military spokesman, told NBC News that at least 132 children were killed in the attack, along with 10 staff from the school — including the principal. Seven militants were killed, he added.

"They didn't take any hostages initially and started firing in the hall," Bajwa also told a press conference, according to Reuters.

At a hospital near the school, blood stained the floors. Crying relatives roamed the wards and searched operating rooms, desperately searching for their sons and daughters.

Pakistani military sources said six Taliban militants had been killed at the scene. A military source who spoke on the condition of anonymity told NBC News that the attackers were wearing police uniforms and suicide vests.

"They burnt a teacher in front of the students in a classroom," he added. "They literally set the teacher on fire with gasoline and made the kids watch."

Wounded student Abdullah Jamal told The Associated Press he was getting first-aid instructions and training with a team of Pakistani army medics when the violence began for real. When the shooting started, Jamal said nobody knew what was going on in the first few seconds.

"Then I saw children falling down who were crying and screaming. I also fell down. I learned later that I have got a bullet," he said, speaking from his hospital bed. He had been shot in the leg.

Taliban spokesman Muhammad Umar Khorasani told Reuters his group was responsible for the attack. "Our suicide bombers have entered the school, they have instructions not to harm the children, but to target the army personnel," he said.


Oops!  I guess your suicide bombers failed to get the email on "not to harm the children"...cuz they just killed 130 of them.  Oh well....Allah will be pleased regardless!

How fitting...the Taliban spokesman's name is Muhammad.

Hey that segues right into my next post....the number one baby boy's name in the UK is now Muhammad!

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