
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A Fatwah Against Snowmen

According to historical records, it SELDOM snows in Saudi Arabia.  Well last week it did.  Of course for people who seldom see snow they are amazed by it and want to go play with it or in it.  Some kids even wanted to make a snow man!!

Think that sounds like a reasonable desire for a kid in Saudi Arabia?

Nope!  Can't do it!!  It's offensive to some Muslims and YOU BETTER NOT DO IT!!!

A senior Saudi cleric has issued a strict religious ruling that bans the building of snowmen because he says they are "anti-Islamic."

Religious scholar Mohammad Saleh Al Minjed said it's "not permitted to make a statue out of snow, even by way of play and fun," according to reports.

He announced the frosty fatwa after being asked on a religious website whether building the figures was permissable.

A rare snowstorm hit the usually sweltering country's north this week.

"God has given people space to make whatever they want which does not have a soul, including trees, ships, fruits, buildings and so on," he wrote in his ruling, reported Gulf News.

Al Minjed reportedly added that building a snowman is "to create an image of a human being" — an action considered sinful under the kingdom's interpretation of Sunni Islam.

Some Saudis supported Al Minjed's move, reported Middle East Eye.

"It has no value in our traditions," wrote one blogger, according to

"And those who are fascinated by the West should emulate their inventions and sciences, not their culture," he added.

Another claimed that building snowmen "is imitating the infidels, it promotes lustiness and eroticism."

But others slammed the ruling.

"We have snow for fleeting days, maybe even hours, and there is always someone who wants to rob us of the joy and the fun," one netizen posted online, reported IB Times.

Others uploaded photos of themselves playing in the flakes.

Temperatures regularly top 129 degrees Fahrenheit in Saudi Arabia in the summer.

Snow is rare, but in recent days freezing temperatures have swept across the Tabuk region, some 1,000 miles northwest of the capital of Riyadh.


Wait....what?  Snowmen can promote lustiness and eroticism?

Who knew??

I'm a red-blooded male and I can honestly say I have never lusted after a snowman or even a snow woman, for that matter...but I'm not a I can't honestly say what may set off their lustiness.

Here in Minnesota it's not uncommon to see hundreds of snowmen during the course of a winter.

I wonder if we should quickly tear them all down before some Islamists see them, become enraged and start a "spontaneous" riot outside a U.S. Embassy and end up killing U.S. Citizens?  Or maybe they become enraged and harm the folks with the snowmen in their front yard!!

It could happen you know!  Look what happened in Benghazi...all because some dude in Los Angeles made a puppet show that enraged some Muslims in Libya!!

What??  You don't believe that happened!  It must be true...because Team Obama said so!!

1 comment:

  1. maybe one could build a man stoning a woman buried to her waist and that would be more culturally correct. Hang on while I leer at my snow-woman that is out front. haha, how dumb.
