
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Jews Fleeing France at Record Numbers

I heard on the news last night that France has the largest population of Jews in Europe at 500,000. In the same news story they also said France has 5,000,000 Muslims.  As a rule, Muslims don't like Jews (it goes back to that whole Ishmael/Isaac thing) the math simply doesn't bode well for being a Jew in France.

The news story went on to interview some Jews in France.  They found one woman who said that she no longer feels safe in France.  And then they found a Jewish man from New York who spoke perfect English and he said he feels totally safe.

But these figures of Jews leaving France can certainly tell us something....Jews are voting with their feet...and leaving.

“For, lo, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will bring again the captivity of my people Israel and Judah, saith the LORD: and I will cause them to return to the land that I gave to their fathers, and they shall possess it.” Jeremiah 30:3

The prophet Jeremiah, speaking of the last days, said that there would be a regathering of God’s chosen people back to Israel the Promised Land. Just as God used Hitler’s Holocaust to reestablish Israel in 1948, He is once again using the lash of persecution to drive His people home.

Stephen Pollard, editor of the Jewish Chronicle, spoke out after an Islamic terrorist took six people hostage and held them captive in a Kosher supermarket in the French capital.

The mayor’s office in Paris announced the closure of shops along the Rosiers street in Paris’ Marais neighborhood, in the heart of the tourist district and less than a mile away from the offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo where 12 people were killed on Wednesday.

Hours before the Jewish Sabbath, the street is usually crowded with French Jews and tourists alike. Mr Pollard said today’s terror attack in Paris, linked to the massacre at the office of Charlie Hebdo, will force more French Jews to flee the country.

Many are moving to Britain or to Israel, according to a report published in the newspaper last year. He said the fact that a terrorist had chosen to target a Jewish store was no ‘fluke’.

In a series of tweets he said: ‘Every single French Jew I know has either left or is actively working out how to leave‘.

‘So, it’s a fluke that the latest target is a kosher grocer, is it? ‘What’s going on in France – outrages that have been getting worse for years – put our antisemitism problems in perspective’.

But amid fears the terror attack may be linked to anti-Semitism police have also demanded that shops on Rue des Rosiers, in the Jewish quarter of Paris, to close early ‘as a precaution’ in case of further violence.

18 months ago France had around 500,000 Jewish residents – the largest population in the EU – but this may now be below 400,000, Mr Pollard’s newspaper said.


As Hitler was ratcheting up his power in Germany many Jews refused to leave.  They were simply too in love with German society to believe that their German hosts could turn on them with such violence and hatred.

The news story ended with an interesting quote; "The Jewish optimists in Germany went to Auschwitz.  The Jewish pessimists went to New York."

The Bible says that another Holocaust will be coming for the Jews during the Great Tribulation scheduled for planet earth after the Rapture.  In preparation of this coming event we can expect to see many more Jews leaving the countries in which they currently live and heading for Israel.

What do you think will happen in America that may make American Jews feel the need to leave?

I hope and pray it's the Rapture.

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