
Thursday, January 15, 2015

Awesome Alternative

All of us, at one time or another, have known someone going through a tough patch.  Maybe they are in the hospital or home sick.  Maybe they are going through some emotional trauma or some other life-changing event.  We want to give them something to let them know we are thinking about them but what are our choices?  Usually flowers or candy.

Some special friends of mine from church have come up with a different idea.


Quality clothes with meaningful messages that inspire and last.


Each piece will contain three key elements; a theme, a Bible verse, and a word.

The verse and corresponding word will be placed on the inside and theme will be placed on the outside (Pics below).

The package will also include a short inspirational video individually created for each category.  They are inviting for someone who isn't a Christian and deep enough for the theologian. 

Here's how it works...

You hop on our website and shop by theme. Our themes are printed on the outside of the garment and represent life events we all have in common.

 Scripture has been carefully matched with the appropriate theme. We have something fitting for any situation.

 Your gift arrives in a high quality box.

 You have a chance to include a personal message. The recipient will also receive a link to an inspirational video explaining the verse on their garment.

Here is a link to learn more about their project and participate in it if you feel so led.

Currently they are in the start up phase and need some backers to 'kickstart' their plan.  Check out the link above, watch the short video, look at some pictures and I think you'll's an awesome gift alternative that will be used to bring comfort, encouragement and to glorify God in the process

Godspeed Jessie, Sadie and Lee!


  1. Matthew 21:12 -- And Jesus entered the temple and drove out all who sold and bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons. 13 He said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer,’ but you make it a den of robbers.”

  2. What's your point? Are you thinking my little blog is The Temple and I'm selling pigeons?

  3. No. Just questioning businesses who would use God's word for personal monetary gain. A little discernment is called for, but realize that's in short supply within American Evangelicalism today.
