
Monday, January 26, 2015

Biggest Storm EVER Strikes the Northeast

The stores are empty.  No more bottled water to be found.  Batteries are sold out and generators flew off the shelves.  The weathermen are now saying that the coming storm could be so bad that no one will be able to travel anywhere as it rages.

The worst storm EVER to hit the Northeast!!!

Much of the Northeast was going into shutdown mode Monday ahead of a blizzard of "historic proportions," with thousands of flight cancellations, a statewide travel ban in Connecticut and road crews and utilities braced for a long night of work heading into Tuesday, when the storm could reach full strength.

The blizzard is expected to dump as much as 3 feet of snow along a 250-mile stretch from northern New Jersey up to southern Maine, affecting as many as 50 million people and potentially crippling New York City and Boston. Snowfall was expected as far south as Washington. The warning issued by the National Weather Service also indicated winds of up to 75 miles per hour and widespread coastal flooding was possible, starting Monday and extending throughout Tuesday.

Connecticut Gov. Dan Malloy issued a statewide travel beginning at 9 p.m. Monday when the storm is expected to be at its heaviest. Malloy told reporters Monday the blizzard could potentially be a record-setter and urged all residents to stay indoors. He said that if residents lose power, they will likely be without it for "several days." 

"It is imperative that you have a plan in place to get home safely this evening before the heavy snow begins and remain there for the duration of the storm," Malloy said Monday morning.

In New Jersey, Gov. Chris Christie declared a state of emergency and advised against unnecessary travel.

"The impending weather conditions over the course of the afternoon will produce a variety of dangerous travel conditions throughout the state," Christie said.

Throughout the area, road and utility crews were ready to plow and salt roads, as well as address possible power outages. John Latka, spokesman for PSE&G, which provides gas and electric service to much of New Jersey and parts of New York, called for patience from consumers in the event of outages.

“While snow by itself doesn’t normally pose a serious problem, heavy snow and strong winds can increase the possibility of downed wires and power outages,” Latka said. “These conditions will also make it difficult for our crews to get around and safely respond to any outages. We ask for our customers’ patience and cooperation as we work to restore service as quickly as possible.”

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio held up a list of the city’s top 10 snowstorms and said this one could land at the top of a list that goes back to 1872 and includes the 26.9 inches that fell in 2006. "Don't underestimate this storm. Prepare for the worst," he said as he urged residents to plan to leave work early Monday.

"This could be a storm the likes of which we have never seen before," he said at a news conference Sunday.


"A storm the likes of which we have NEVER SEEN BEFORE!"

Wow!!  That's quite a statement!!

Again, the breathless liberals will announce this 'historic' storm is one more example of global warming catastrophes.  It will most likely cost billions to clean up the streets, the downed trees and power lines and they will say, "This needs to stop!!  We need a global system in place to stop global warming...or we are all gonna die, probably sooner than later!  Anyone caught denying the fact of global warming will be ridiculed, fined and punished!"

How foolish.

We wonder if the real reason that the worst storm EVER is crushing down on the Northeast is because Obama is cursing Israel?

It is being reported that Team Obama is so mad at Netanyahu's planned visit to speak in Congress this March, that Obama has refused to see Netanyahu.  Join that together with Obama continuing to entertain Israel's arch enemy Iran and John Kerry pointing fingers at Israel demanding they give up land to buy a mythical peace from the Arab terrorists of Hamas and Fatah...and we can't help but wonder if this is just one more warning from God that He is telling the truth when He said, "I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you."

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