
Monday, January 26, 2015

Mass Death of Seabirds

We have been watching the strange reports of mass animal die-offs for some years now.  Remember how thousands of blackbirds fell from the sky about 3 years ago on New Years Eve?  There was never given a credible explanation as to why.  These strange happenings are reported every week but we just drift along to the next news cycle and soon forget all about them.

Today we see this headline making Google News.  Note the words "ever recorded".

Mass Death of Seabirds in Western U.S. Is 'Unprecedented'

In the storm debris littering a Washington State shoreline, Bonnie Wood saw something grisly: the mangled bodies of dozens of scraggly young seabirds.

Walking half a mile along the beach at Twin Harbors State Park on Wednesday, Wood spotted more than 130 carcasses of juvenile Cassin's auklets—the blue-footed, palm-size victims of what is becoming one of the largest mass die-offs of seabirds ever recorded.

"It was so distressing," recalled Wood, a volunteer who patrols Pacific Northwest beaches looking for dead or stranded birds. "They were just everywhere. Every ten yards we'd find another ten bodies of these sweet little things."

Cassin's auklets are tiny diving seabirds that look like puffballs. They feed on animal plankton and build their nests by burrowing in the dirt on offshore islands. Their total population, from the Baja Peninsula to Alaska's Aleutian Islands, is estimated at somewhere between 1 million and 3.5 million.

Last year, beginning about Halloween, thousands of juvenile auklets started washing ashore dead from California's Farallon Islands to Haida Gwaii (also known as the Queen Charlotte Islands) off central British Columbia. Since then the deaths haven't stopped. Researchers are wondering if the die-off might spread to other birds or even fish.

"This is just massive, massive, unprecedented," said Julia Parrish, a University of Washington seabird ecologist who oversees the Coastal Observation and Seabird Survey Team (COASST), a program that has tracked West Coast seabird deaths for almost 20 years. "We may be talking about 50,000 to 100,000 deaths. So far."


If you start doing your own casual search on Google of mass animal, bird and fish die offs over the last 5 years, you will be stunned at the news articles that you will find.  The reports are coming in from all over the world but for some reason they seldom make the MSM.  And certainly I haven't seen and MSM report that attempts to connect all the dots as to why?

Of course, if they did attempt it we already know in advance what they would conclude....MAN-MADE CLIMATE CHANGE!

It seems that only Bible Prophecy reporters have put together a credible answer as to WHY all these animals are dying...the earth and all creation is GROANING under the curse and looking forward to what it will become when Jesus returns to rule.

Also, I will leave you with a passage and let you ponder if what we are witnessing is yet another foreshadowing of what is coming.

Zephaniah 1:3 
“I will sweep away both man and beast; I will sweep away the birds in the sky and the fish in the sea— and the idols that cause the wicked to stumble.” “When I destroy all mankind on the face of the earth,” declares the Lord,


  1. Thought you might find this interesting. Another "love". Todd

  2. Thanks Todd, more evidence that men are being "given over" to perversion...just like the Bible says. The other post I will do today is about a man who has sex every week with his wife....who happens to be an Arabian horse. Can't make that up!! And yet the New York Mag is interviewing him like they would a gay man fighting for pride and tolerance.
