
Monday, January 26, 2015

Iran Puts Netanyahu's Kids in Crosshairs

Last week Hezbollah and some Iranian officers were driving close to the Syria-Israel border.  Israel believed it was too close, and even though they aren't publicly commenting on the strike, they took them all out. Here is the post I did on this last week;

Today we find that an Iranian news site has published a photo of the Netanyahu family and they have his kids in the crosshairs of a rifle scope.

An Iranian news site linked to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard suggested targeting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s sons in order to get revenge for the killing of an Iranian general in an attack last week attributed to Israel.

Jerusalem Online reported that Iran’s Mashregh News ran an opinion piece and photos depicting Yair and Avner Netanyahu in a sniper’s crosshairs. It ran similar images of the sons of past prime ministers Ehud Olmert and Ariel Sharon.

The article included “a detailed text of intelligence plan” about the Netanyahu sons’ recent activities, but Jerusalem Online pointed out that it appeared to have been information lifted from Wikipedia.

Last week’s airstrike on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights killed 12 Hezbollah and Iranian military officials, including Iranian Revolutionary Guard Gen. Mohammed Allahdadi and senior Hezbollah commander Jihad Mughniyeh.

It is unclear if Israel knew the Iranian general was in the convoy that was struck in advance of the attack.

Israel’s Channel 10 reported that Israel sent a message to Iran through Russia indicating it was not interested in a wider escalation. Israel viewed the airstrike as self-defense, because Hezbollah was reportedly expanding its military infrastructure to the Golan to use one day against Israeli communities over the border.

The Times of Israel quoted a report in Israel’s Channel 2 which said Hezbollah was setting up a “substantial” new terrorism infrastructure in the Golan that could be used for kidnappings and rocket attacks against Israelis. Until now, Hezbollah has launched its attacks on Israeli territory from Lebanon.


The tension between Israel and Iran has been building now for years.  Are we really to believe that all of this tension is simply going to melt away and end with the Mullahs and the Israelis singing Kum-ba-yah as they dance around a menorah?

Can we trust that Team Obama is going to step in and negotiate a happy ending?

Don't hold your breath.  Iran and Hezbollah have promised a harsh response to Israel killing the Iranian General and his cub-scout buddies from Hezbollah.

Our only real hope for the Iranian situation is that millions of Iranian Muslims will continue leaving the Satanic clutches of Islam and accept Christ as their savior.  Only when the salt and light of Jesus' followers invade the darkness can we hope to see change.

But since the Ezekiel 38 prophecy still needs to be fulfilled...I would expect to see the tensions between Israel and Iran increase.

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