
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

What's It Like to Date a Horse?

For those of you who are easily offended, I would suggest you PASS on reading the specifics of this interview that New York Magazine published.  The interview goes into intimate detail about the first time he copulated with a horse and then goes into even more detail about how he makes sure to give his horse sexual pleasure before he uses the horse for his pleasure.

For long time readers of my blog, you know that I have been warning of this coming trend for some years now.  Once you buy into the argument that people are BORN THAT WAY....the sky is the limit on perversity.

The gays have led the way in demanding that we accept, tolerate and  even celebrate their sexual the floodgates will be opened and the demands that we do the same for bestiality and polygamy will only grow louder and more intense.

Bestiality, the act of having sex with an animal, tends to conjure images of a mucky, socially inadequate, desperate farmer sneaking into the barn after dark, or depraved groups of thrill-seekers forcing sex with drugged, abused, or otherwise mistreated animals (like the case of Douglas Spink and the animal-sex-tourism farm in Washington State).

But the sexual identity that can be attached to bestiality, zoophilia, remains little understood. In 2002 the sex therapist Hani Miletski published Understanding Bestiality and Zoophilia, a book based on her study of almost 100 zoophiles — research that led her to conclude that many form deep, loving, and very nurturing relationships with their animal partners. While it’s certainly not a homogeneous community, many “zoos” (as they are known to self-identify) are monogamous and live with their animals as if they were human partners. As a result of legal restrictions — sex with an animal is illegal in most U.S. states and European countries — the lived experience of being a zoo is rarely heard outside of underground online forums or secret meet-up groups.

Here, a 42-year-old man from Canada describes his life as a zoophile attracted to female horses.  

Read here if you need more proof of this man's perversion;

You see people, it's not a's a "sexual identity".

And as long as the horse seems to enjoy sex with the man and the man definitely enjoys it....what harm is being done?  It's just the way he was born!  Ever since he was a little boy he didn't want to look at Playboy...he wanted to read horse magazines!!  It's perfectly normal!!

Don't you dare judge him!!

Don't you dare call him a pervert!!

Don't you dare pass laws that limit his pleasure!!

If you do, you are a BEASTOPHOBE and an intolerant hater!!!

Haters gonna hate!!

Lest I need remind you, the Bible is clear;
Leviticus 18
23 “‘Do not have sexual relations with an animal and defile yourself with it. A woman must not present herself to an animal to have sexual relations with it; that is a perversion.

"Yeah but Dennis, Jesus never said ANYTHING about sex with animals and neither did the New clearly we need to just stay focused on that!  Jesus loves everyone exactly as they are! He came to set us free from all those ancient, stupid laws!  Don't judge lest ye be judged!"

God help us all.

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