
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

I Have a Fiance', a Girlfriend and Two Boyfriends

Since I just blogged about a man who enjoys sex with his horse...let's move on to the next coming attraction for USA!!


This means that you are in love and sexually intimate with all sorts of folks!

Monogamy is old fashioned and, quite frankly, a dying institution!

Don't judge!!

Miju Han lives in the Bay Area, works as a product manager and shares a charming apartment with her fiancé.

Here's what makes her love story a bit different: She's also in three other relationships. In addition to her fiancé, Han has been seeing a woman for two years (they recently said, "I love you"). She also dates two other men.

Han, 27, says she never quite colored inside the lines. She grew up in the South, was attracted to women and fascinated by programming. In 2010, she moved to the Bay Area and has since worked at several major tech companies. Han declined to name her current employer.

She met her fiancé when he was 21 and she was 23. They fell in love but weren't ready to cut off other options.

"He hadn't dated many other women in the past, and I wanted to explore too," she explained.

Han says the term for her relationship status is polyamorous, meaning "many loves." People who identify as polyamorous are often in multiple romantic relationships. The arrangements vary, but they have a lack of exclusivity in common.

Han and her fiancé practice a hierarchical style of polyamory. Her fiancé, who asked not to be named, is her primary partner, meaning all other relationships are secondary or more casual. They spend five to six nights a week together and plan on marrying in 2016 and having children at some point. Han's fiancé is also dating three other women.

According to a University of Michigan study, 5% of couples in the United States identify as non-monogamous -- it's still a niche community. But the explosion of technology is lifting the curtain on these atypical structures.


Remember people....don't be a POLYPHOBE!  You better embrace this new lifestyle and welcome them in all the parades...because they are sick and tired of having to hide the way they were born.

Hat tip to Todd K.

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