
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

ISIS Threatens to Behead Obama

So sad!  How come ISIS doesn't like Obama?

Didn't they listen to his wonderful speech he gave in Cairo, Egypt about making friends and hitting the reset button?

Didn't they hear him invite the angry nations to unclench their fists so America could pour blessings and friendship into them?

Didn't they hear him say that one of the most beautiful sounds on earth is the Muslim call to prayer?

Doesn't most of the Muslim world already believe Obama is a Muslim himself?

So why all the hatred ISIS?  Haven't you heard a word Obama has said?....and now you say you want to behead him??

So not nice!!!  So intolerant!!!  Please quit it!!!

A new, grisly beheading video from ISIS includes a direct threat against President Obama and is one of at least three new warnings from the terror organization, including pledges to kill Jordanian and Japanese hostages if a hostage held by Jordan is not freed.

In a new online video discovered by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) on Tuesday, three Islamic State fighters stand behind a kneeling Kurdish fighter as one of the extremists launches into a diatribe against the U.S. and other Western nations.

“Know, oh Obama, that will reach America,” says one of the fighters, clad in black and wearing a balaclava, in a translation from Arabic provided by MEMRI. “Know also that we will cut off your head in the White House, and transform America into a Muslim Province.”

The White House did not immediately respond to requests for comment about the new threats, including the one directed at President Obama. In that video, the Islamic State fighters also single out Masoud Barzani, the president of the Kurdish-controlled portion of Iraq.

“But as for you, oh Masoud, you dog, we are going to behead you and throw you into the trash bin of history,” he shouted during the video, while waving his fist in the air. “Know that we are men who fear no one. We will institute the laws of Allah, may He be exalted and praised.”

He then issued another warning, saying that for every missile launched by Kurdish forces, that they would behead one of their soldiers before slitting the throat of the Kurd fighter as people gathered to watch the incident on a public street.


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