
Thursday, January 22, 2015

ISIS Wants What Saudi Arabia Has

A few days ago we did a post on Saudi Arabia building a 600 mile long wall to try and keep Muslim terrorists out.  Kind of ironic how Saudi Arabia has supported Muslim terrorists for decades...but now that Muslim terrorists want to destroy the Kingdom of Saud, and take over Mecca and Medina, they suddenly decide they need to keep certain Muslim terrorists out!

The Bible warns, "Sew the wind and reap the whirlwind."  Sounds like a verse Saudi Arabia should take heed of.

The recent early morning clash between a Saudi border patrol and extremists trying to enter Saudi Arabia from Iraq appears to be the latest indicator of the Islamic State’s (ISIS) intent to expand its influence and control from its stronghold in Syria and Iraq south into Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the rest of the Arab Gulf where there is oil and what ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and his followers would consider the ultimate prizes: the holy cities of Mecca and Medina.

The armed engagement dovetails with al-Baghdadi’s call for increased attacks inside the Saudi Kingdom. It is likely he realizes that no one can claim to be the Islamic State without controlling the holy sites in and around Mecca and Medina and the wealth that comes with them.

In recent months, al-Baghdadi has issued calls for attacks inside Saudi Arabia. Violence against Shia residents in the Eastern Province town of al-Awamiya in Saudi Arabia confirms that Sunni extremists in this area have heard al-Baghdadi’s message. The Eastern Province is home to the majority of Saudi Shia and most of the Saudi Kingdom’s oil.

The current U.S. plan to focus on training more capable units within the Iraqi Armed Forces over the next two years, however, is likely to be inadequate by itself—too little too late to contain and push back the gains made by the Islamic State.

The faster the Muslim world can be shown that ISIS is not invincible and does not have a divine mandate to rule the Islamic world, the quicker young Muslims and others will stop listening to its messaging.

Al-Baghdadi’s messages have resonated with Sunnis in the region, North Africa, Europe and the United States primarily because he appears successful. He looks powerful. No amount of warning or counterargument will suffice if he continues to take and hold territory.

As he suffers repeated defeats and is unable to govern, however, it will be clear to his audiences that his path is misguided and that they would do better following a different one.


Wouldn't it be cool if the Muslim world could pull together some armies and go out and defeat ISIS all by themselves?

But no....the Muslim world can't agree on anything.  Too many of them probably already support ISIS and its ambitions while another large percentage wouldn't want to speak or fight against them because they believe that Allah may be the power behind ISIS and don't want to risk going against Allah.

That later group is actually correct in their beliefs that Allah IS the spiritual force behind ISIS.  Allah IS the spiritual force behind Islam.  Allah is filled with lies and fed them to his messenger, Muhammad.

Therefore, since we know that God is the ONE, TRUE GOD and that Jesus IS GOD and the Holy Spirit IS GOD...then we can say with 100% certainly that Allah is from Satan.  The entire religion is a lie straight from the pit of hell.  And the sooner we quit calling Islam a "Great religion of peace"...the sooner we can start to come to grips with how we are going to deal with this nasty blight.

Remember, we are to LOVE ALL MUSLIMS just as we are to love all people, because Christ loves all people.  But we aren't supposed to leave them on their hell-bound path following the demonic god of Allah.  We are to love them ENOUGH to tell them the truth.  The truth is the only thing that can set them free!

Anyway, ISIS most certainly won't be stopped by any Muslim once again it will be left to the USA to mount some sort of battle plan to stop the Muslim horde.

Remember The Crusades?  It's when Europe had to mount some armies and go stop the advancement of militarized Islam.  The Muslims were slaughtering, pillaging and raping the entire Middle East and had all of Europe in their sights.

Interesting how history tends to repeat itself.

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