
Thursday, January 22, 2015

Gay Marriage is "America at its Best"

Some of you may have watched Obama's State of the Union a few nights ago.  I tried, but it was too painful so I shut it off after about 20 minutes.

The one verse that kept coming to mind as Obama swaggered around the pulpit was, "Pride comes before the fall."

What kind of a pompous, narcissistic have we elected??

Answer:  We have elected the leader that we deserve.

Please remembers that when Obama was campaigning for America's vote he was VERY CLEAR that he believe marriage was between one man and one woman...and you can see him quoted on it in the attached article.

( - When he was running for president seven years ago, and appearing in a nationally televised forum held by a Christian pastor at a Christian church, Barack Obama said he believed that marriage was a “sacred union” that was “between a man and a woman.”

On Tuesday night, in his State of the Union Address, Obama said that legalization of same-sex marriage in the United States is one of the things he has seen that represents “America at its best.”

“I still believe that together, we can do great things, even when the odds are long,” Obama said. “I believe this because over and over in my six years in office, I have seen America at its best.

“I’ve seen the hopeful faces of young graduates from New York to California, and our newest officers at West Point, Annapolis, Colorado Springs, New London,” he said. “I’ve mourned with grieving families in Tucson and Newtown, in Boston, in West Texas, and West Virginia.  I’ve watched Americans beat back adversity from the Gulf Coast to the Great Plains, from Midwest assembly lines to the Mid-Atlantic seaboard.  I’ve seen something like gay marriage go from a wedge issue used to drive us apart to a story of freedom across our country, a civil right now legal in states that seven in 10 Americans call home.

“So I know the good, and optimistic, and big-hearted generosity of the American people who every day live the idea that we are our brother’s keeper and our sister’s keeper,” he said. “And I know they expect those of us who serve here to set a better example.”


I just finished a book called, AS IT WAS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH.  The author claims that according to ancient, Jewish Rabbinical custom, the final event that sealed earth's destruction by The Flood was that men began writing marriage contracts with other men....aka, gay marriage.

So, go check it out for yourselves, but the fact that the supreme court may soon decide that gay marriage is the new FEDERALLY MANDATED LAW OF THE may be one more marker to how close we are to judgement falling.

After all, how many innocent babies can we kill?  How many false gods can we worship?  How many ways can we mock God?  How much porn can we produce and consume?  How many mind altering drugs can we legalize and consume?  How much perverse sex can we have?....before God finally says, "ENOUGH!"

Yes, God is merciful....but He is also just.  One day His justice will fall on this country and it appears that God's merciful delay is the only thing that is holding it back.

Do you see America listed anywhere in the Last Days prophecies of which the Bible speaks?


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