
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Famine Coming For Iraq?

As we all know, war many times leads to famine.  Why?  Because the farmers are either dead or too scared to go in their fields to plant.  Also it can be hard for them to buy seed, fuel, fertilizer and any other supplies they need to get their crop in the ground.

Looks like that's exactly what is happening in Iraq as ISIS continues to destroy this country in their quest to take over the entire Middle East.

ARBIL, Iraq (Reuters) - As the season for wheat planting in Iraq wound down early last month, farmers in areas under the control of Sunni militant group Islamic State grew worried.

More than two dozen farmers told Reuters they had not planted the normal amount of seed, because they could not access their land, did not have the proper fertilizers or adequate fuel, or because they had no guarantees that Islamic State would buy their crop as Baghdad normally does.

Farmers, and Iraqi and United Nations' officials, now fear a drastically reduced crop this spring. That could leave hundreds of thousands of Iraqis hungry. But another big loser would be Islamic State, which controls territory that normally produces as much as 40 percent of Iraq's wheat crop.

The breakaway al Qaeda group, which declared an Islamic caliphate across parts of Syria and Iraq last summer, has killed thousands and forced hundreds of thousands from their homes. Islamic State militants had hoped to use wheat to show it can govern better than the Arab governments it condemns as infidels. They have published pamphlets with photos of golden fields and fighters distributing food.

A bad crop might not cost the group control of territory, but it would seriously dent its campaign to be seen as an alternative government, and hurt its credibility among some fellow Sunnis.

Iraqi farmers have long complained of Baghdad's neglect and mismanagement of agriculture. International sanctions and the U.S. invasion further hurt the sector. But many farmers say this planting season marks an all-time low.

Farming in huge swathes of the rural belt around Baghdad has also shut down because of violence, or because farmers fear the Shi'ite militias which now control the area and are fighting Islamic State.

Sunni farmer Abu Amr laments how tough it has become. Abu Amr once hated Iraq's Shi'ite Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, who lost power following elections last April. But his view began to change when he was not paid for last season's harvest. Instead, Islamic State militants stole it from a government silo they had seized.

"When we saw the chaos of IS we wanted Maliki back. Everything is gone, my livestock, my harvest, everything," he said.


"Down with Maliki!  Down with Maliki!!" careful what you wish for...because now Iraq has reaped the whirlwind.

Hey Mr. and Mrs. you honestly believe that all of these Islamic-extremist fighters just created themselves overnight?  Do you truly believe that one day they were nice young boys playing soccer and happily studying math in high school...and the next day they are beheading and raping people all over the world?

Time to wake up, Muslim world! You are worshiping a false god....and by Biblical definition, ANY false god is from Satan...the Father of All Lies.

Of course we can file this one under, "There will be famine."  Jesus warned us ahead of time, so we shouldn't be surprised.

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