
Monday, January 19, 2015

Israelis Just Took Out a Dude Named Jihad

" are just the cutest little baby boy we have ever seen!  Some day you are going to grow up and learn to kill Jews and maybe even die as a martyr for Islam...won't that be just wonderful!"

Who names their baby boy, "Jihad"?

One of the main leaders of the terrorist organization, Hezbollah, that's who.

It's being reported that Jihad just got removed from the battlefield by the Israeli Defense Forces.

BEIRUT (AP) — An Israeli strike in Syria on Sunday killed the son of a slain top Hezbollah commander and at least five other fighters in a move that could ratchet up tensions with the powerful Lebanese Shiite movement, which recently boasted of rockets that can hit any part of the Jewish state.

Hezbollah militants in towns and villages along the border with Israel went on high alert, said an official from the group. In the Shiite-dominated areas of south Lebanon and Beirut, the streets emptied quickly as residents feared an escalation. Hezbollah-run al-Manar TV warned that Israel was “playing with fire that puts the security of the whole Middle East on edge.”

In a statement issued to the media, Hezbollah identified one of the six slain men as Jihad Mughniyeh, the son of Imad Mughniyeh, a top Hezbollah operative assassinated in 2008 in Damascus. Hezbollah blames Israel for the killing and has long vowed to avenge his death.

The younger Mughniyeh is one of the most prominent Hezbollah officials to die in Syria since the group entered the fray in 2012, fighting alongside President Bashar Assad’s forces against the Sunni-led rebellion.

The dead also included another senior Hezbollah commander, Mohammed Issa, and at least one Iranian national with the group, the statement said.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the slain Iranian belonged to the Revolutionary Guards. The group, which obtains its information from a network of activists on the ground, said the Israeli strikes hit two vehicles and a home. It said the fighters were in the area to plan attacks along the Israeli-controlled frontier.

Other Hezbollah officials said Sunday’s strike targeted two Hezbollah vehicles as fighters were inspecting positions in the Golan Heights, close to the Israeli-controlled frontier, in an area known as Mazrat al-Amal. Israel seized part of the mountainous Golan Heights plateau from Syria during the 1967 Mideast war.

“While a group of Hezbollah fighters were on a field inspection of the town, Mazrat al-Amal, … they faced rocket shelling from helicopters of the Israeli enemy, leading to the martyrdom of a number of holy warrior brothers, whose names will be announced once their honorable families have been informed,” the Hezbollah statement said.


Friends, I admit that as you read this article you may have the tendency to say, "Good enough!  Those Muslim bast....ds got what they deserved!  That's six less terrorists that the world has to deal with...especially one named Jihad!!"

But should we really be celebrating that six more souls just entered hell for eternity?...or should that break our hearts and encourage us to be busy spreading the Gospel while there is still light to work?

I can honestly see both sides.

If you read the book of Judges, it soon becomes obvious that God has no problem killing all the men, women and children who were inhabiting the Promised that God was giving to the Israelites.  Sometimes He killed them with fiery hailstones, but most of the time he empowered the Israelite army to kill everyone.

I'm just super glad that God is in control.  There has NEVER been one-single person that ever got killed where God said, "Nooo!!  I totally didn't see that one coming!!  How could I have missed that?"

One preacher I heard last week said, "Once you accept Jesus as your savior you become invincible until your work on earth is done."


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