
Monday, January 19, 2015

Shhhh...Don't Say the M Word

Have you noticed how Team Obama and the mainstream media does cartwheels all over themselves to avoid saying the word MUSLIM when it comes to describing terrorists?

I literally find myself yelling at the TV as I watch the latest terrorism attack being reported.

"Who stabbed the cops in New York?  Was it a Lutheran yelling, 'Jesus saves!'??  No!!  Say it please!"

Well, I guess I'm not the only frustrated one.  The Jewish Press has noticed it too.

God. Allah. The Prophet Mohammed.

Everything is in the name of God, but President Barack Obama and his counterpart in France don’t see it that way.

The French government last week continued to placate Muslims. President Françoise Holland declared, that Muslims were “the first victims of fanaticism, fundamentalism and intolerance.”

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls had a  bit more common sense and said that France is  in “a war against terrorism, against jihadism, against radical Islam, against everything that is aimed at breaking fraternity, freedom, solidarity.”

That is more than President Barack Obama can admit.

He was careful not use the “M” word when he denounced the attacks in France and said:
The fact that this was an attack on journalists, attack on our free press, also underscores the degree to which these terrorists fear freedom of speech and freedom of the press.
But the one thing that I’m very confident about is that the values that we share with the French people, a belief — a universal belief in the freedom of expression, is something that can’t be silenced because of the senseless violence of the few.

White House  Press Secretary Josh Earnest explained that radical Islam was not mentioned because “these terrorists are individuals who would like to cloak themselves in the veil of a particular religion.”

Obama’s position suggests that if a Muslim kills anyone in a terrorist attack, he is not acting as a Muslim.

And does the president think that any Muslim who burns the French flag in the name of Allah is not acting as a Muslim?


How frustrating!  The leader of ISIS has his doctorate in Islamic studies and knows more about the Koran, Hadiths and Muslim history than most people on earth....but Team Obama says that clearly ISIS aren't acting as "true Muslims"....


Placating your enemy will only empower them.  Islam is rising and as long as The West and Western Media continue to sidestep the Islamic problem we can only expect it to get worse.

Not every Muslim is a terrorist but every terrorist seems to be a Muslim.

Go figure!

Allah is an Arabic moon-god that happened to be one of Muhammad's family favorite gods.  Bowing to Allah is the same as bowing to Satan.  When you bow to Satan you quickly end up with a religion that straps bombs to little kids and sends them out to blow up people by promising the kids they will go to heaven...a religion that can't take even the slightest criticism without sending it's followers into a bloody, murderous rampage as they scream "Allah Akbar!" right before they cut off your head or shoot you in the head.

Please remember that Jesus told us to pray for our enemies and those who persecute us.  Have you remembered to pray for some event or someone caught in Satan's Islamic stronghold today?

1 comment:

  1. One need not ponder long to consider, "would the president or media give a pass on mentioning their beliefs if a Christian were to go about conducting the acts we see being done by 'radical Muslims'" They would paste it in the headline and on the talking points for the upcoming news articles. Would the society give a pass to the leaders of the congregations the radicals were taught in? what if one were to openly murder the idiot (aka free thinker) who put a crucifix in a bottle of urine or statue of Mary in dung(neither article of which I hold particular affection for)? what if one shot up the whole art department and the artist and yelled Jesus is risen as you walked out. Your partner could yell we have avenged the perpetual virgin. Would that be defended as standing up for ones faith and crossing the line of free wasn't flagged as wrong when done in this 'free thinking culture'. It appears this free pass is only given to one religion.
