
Sunday, January 18, 2015

Russian Bear Feeling Cornered?

Russia is in a very tight spot.  Oil prices have plummeted and so has Russia's income.  Their currency is in crisis as Russian citizens are scared of inflation so are dumping their Rubles in favor of US Dollars.  They are trying to carry on a war in Ukraine and are flying aggressive Cold War routes with their bombers again....but are running out of hard cash.

So what do you think Putin might do?

A)  Call Obama and apologize for his aggressive tactics and ask to be friends with The West and beg Obama to release the sanctions?

B)  Blame The West and Obama for Russia's hardships and claim America is leading the way to topple Russia's government...and then strike out like a caged bear, making a further mess of things in the process.

Vladimir Putin has made no secret of the fact that he no longer believes in diplomacy with Europe, or in confidence building measures between the two, as he firmly believes that European foreign policy is simply an extension of Washington’s.

Putin also has no trust or desire to negotiate with Washington who have wasted no recent opportunity to vilify and attack a Russian regime headed by a man that Hilary Clinton herself as described as “Adolf Hitler.” This is fundamentally shaping Russian foreign policy in a way that is detrimental to the West, to Europe and to the United States of America.

It is pushing an already wounded animal into a corner.

Russian perceptions are that there has been a planned and ongoing effort on the part of the West to weaken and subjugate Russia and its interests for years. Russia was too weak previously to stand up to Western intimidation but that changed in the summer of 2008 when Washington ordered its puppet regime in Georgia to invade the breakaway republic of South Ossetia, killing a number of Russian peacekeepers and civilians in the process. Russia’s response was decisive and brutal. Within a few short hours the Russian military had comprehensively crushed the U.S. armed and trained Georgian invasion force, restoring South Ossetia once again to Russian control.

Circumstances are now forcing Russia to turn and face southwards, towards the Middle East to find new allies in a hostile world. Iran( ancient Persians), are also breaking under the weight of Western sanctions which is costing them billions and billions of dollars in lost oil revenues every year and they have made ready bed mates for the wounded Russian Bear.


The Bible says that in the Last Days God will put a hook in the jaw of Russia and draw them out to make war on Israel.  God will then supernaturally destroy this gathering army before they can attack. (read Ezekiel 38-39)

With all that is happening with Russia, could we be witnessing this final set up?

Certainly, I don't know...but certainly it is interesting to watch.

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