
Friday, January 16, 2015

James Taylor Sings in France

Team Obama got in serious political trouble for skipping the Paris unity march earlier this week.  EVERYONE made it to the march to join arms and sing Kum-ba-yah!  Even the Palestinian-terrorist-President of the PLO, Mahmoud Abbas, was there to denounce terrorism!

Where was Obama!!

Well, turns out Obama was golfing again and didn't want to fly his big jet to France and miss his tee time....and now he feels REALLY BAD THAT HE MISSED IT!!

He feels so bad that he told John Kerry and James Taylor to fly to France, hug the President of France and sing YOU'VE GOT A FRIEND.

Watch this painful mess here;

After enduring a firestorm of criticism for failing to send a high-ranking official to last Sunday’s massive anti-terror rally in France, Secretary of State John Kerry finally made it to Paris on Thursday — where he immediately cemented his reputation as an international laughing-stock.

In perhaps the most pathetic diplomatic apology ever enacted without actually saying “I’m sorry,” Kerry offered a “big hug” to a room full of survivors, family members and first responders involved in the Charlie Hebdo massacre.

And then he trotted out James Taylor, looking on proudly as the 70s-era guitarist serenading the shell-shocked survivors with a soulful rendition of “You’ve Got a Friend.”

1 comment:

  1. You don't seem to understand. He is never too busy to pull in A list Hollywood at the taxpayers bill. He is never too busy to go to a fundraiser or get some media accolade. He isn't too busy and we are not too poor to run to a foreign country (India anyone or Hawaii) and put others out of their way for his vacation. Not to mention golf. He is so disconnected from the role for which he was elected, it is amazing.
