
Friday, January 16, 2015

Turkey Blames Israel for Radical Islam

This next article comes from the "You can't make this stuff up" category.

ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu accused his Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday of terrorism and said Israeli "provocations" such as the bombardment of Gaza were contributing to radicalisation in the Muslim world.

In a Reuters interview, Davutoglu said peace in the Middle East and the eradication of extremist groups would be virtually impossible without the establishment of a Palestinian state.

He also warned the international community against focusing solely on fighting Islamic State militants in its efforts to end the conflict in Syria, saying the "brutality" of President Bashar al-Assad was the root cause of the problem.

Turkey, an EU candidate nation and member of the NATO military alliance, is a key Western ally in the fight against Islamic jihadists. But its leaders have become increasingly concerned about what they see as rising Islamophobia in Europe and increasingly outspoken in their criticism of Israel.

"(Netanyahu) himself killed, his army killed children in the playground. They killed our citizens and an American citizen in international waters. This is terrorism," Davutoglu said, referring to a 2010 Israeli assault on a Turkish boat attempting to break Israel's blockade of the Palestinian Gaza Strip.

"Nobody can argue about Israeli aggression in Jerusalem in the al-Aqsa mosque," he added. "These provocations create frustration in the Muslim world and are becoming one of the reasons why these radical trends are emerging," he said.

"If we want to establish peace and order in the Middle East, eliminating all the extremist forces, we have to solve the Palestinian question."

Davutoglu on Thursday compared Netanyahu to the Islamist militants who killed 17 people in Paris last week, saying both had committed crimes against humanity.


So Muslims are butchering, raping, beheading each other by the tens of thousands and whose fault is that....ISRAEL'S!!!!!

If it wasn't so demonic, it would almost be funny.

Remember, Turkey is a key player in the Last Days.  They will join a union with Russia and will seek to destroy Israel.  All this chatter from Turkey about the "miserable Jews" is just the foreplay for the coming main event written about in Ezekiel 38.

I but one sentence from the article in bold because is almost EXACTLY what President Jimmy Carter said on the John Daly Show this week.

The Israel hatred will soon be spilling out from the entire Muslim world all the way over to peanut farmers in Georgia.  Sadly, it looks like that hatred is even working it's way into the Evangelical Church as more and more mainline denominations turn against Israel.

Remember, if it makes NO LOGICAL SENSE...then chances are good there is a supernatural force behind it.

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