
Friday, February 20, 2015

Dawkins Calls God "Lazy"

The atheists are getting more bold in their assertions.  Atheists seem to be getting more and more annoyed by people of faith.  They are no longer content to just think that there is no they are on a rampage to ridicule anyone who believes there is a God.

Christian author and creationist Ken Ham has hit back at a video in which Richard Dawkins accuses God of being "lazy". He said the atheist's comments "should stand as a warning to those who compromise with man's ideas of evolution and millions of years."

Dawkins appeared in a video earlier this month in which he speaks to a character called 'Mr Deity' – supposed to represent God – telling him: "As a biologist I am uniquely qualified to understand just how lazy you've been."

"It's just so clear that no intelligent being had a hand in this mess," he adds.

"You know, it seems to me that if you really want to be useful you could do us all a favour and simply vanish. The whole of your precious creation was made by evolution and you didn't have to lift a finger to help it along. You're completely redundant, not just lazy. Even if you weren't lazy, there'd be nothing for you to do. And what's more, we have science now, making you completely unnecessary."

Speaking to the Huffington Post, Dawkins said: "If this is the best the faith-heads can do by way of 'demolishing atheism', I hope you will give it maximum publicity in order to demonstrate how pathetic the 'argument' is. It's so weak, no reply is needed. To anyone of any intelligence at all, it replies to itself."


God will not be mocked.  Yes, we should pray for Dawkins as he dares to call the Creator of the universe, "lazy".  He is on very thin ice.

It's funny how these folks have NO PROOF at all of HOW life formed.  Do they honestly expect us to believe that some eons ago, two rocks banged together by some pond-scum and, POOF, the most intricate forms of life simply appeared?

"The fool says in his heart, "There is no God". man will have an excuse when they stand before Jesus and give an account of all that they said and all the foolish things their darkened minds chose to believe.

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