
Friday, February 20, 2015

Gays Are "Outraged"...Again

It's being reported that a married gay man killed himself and his husband asked some churches to perform a funeral and the churches refused.

Is this a good reason for gays to be outraged?

Gay rights activists are outraged after the grieving husband of a man who committed suicide earlier this month says he struggled to find a church willing to hold the funeral.

Widow Jay Hoskins claims that at least two churches in Clarkridge, Arkansas refused to hold a ceremony after his husband of less than a year, James Stone, hanged himself on January 19.

The story has spread through social media, and the Facebook page for Clarkright Church of Christ, one of those accused of closing its doors to Hoskins, has been inundated with condemnation.

Hoskins told the Baxter Bulletin that he asked a pastor at the church to perform a graveside service for James. "I told them I was his husband and I would be bringing him back home for burial. They declined to do the service," he said, adding that his request was also refused by Clarkridge Baptist Church.

However, leaders of both churches said they had not been contacted at all regarding the funeral. Pastor at the Baptist church, Tim Moore, told the Bulletin that he would have performed the ceremony if asked.

"It's a difficult position to be put in because I believe the Bible teaches it is not a Biblical lifestyle," Moore said of Stone and Hoskins' relationship. "But, I want to show people love, to bring them into the church. It's not for me to judge people, that's for God."

Clayton King, minister at the Church of Christ, however, admitted that he would have turned down the request had he been contacted, but said it was a "lie" that he had been asked.

"No one ever spoke to me and asked to perform a church service or a graveside service. The family did not make contact and that man did not make contact," he said of the accusations.

"I would not have performed the service because I would have been condoning homosexual activity. I could not celebrate their life together. I could have celebrated his [Stone's] life, but not their life together, because of the connotation of homosexuality."


OK all you outraged gays....were these men members of the church?  No?   Here's a newsflash....local churches exist for their members.  They are not in business to perform weddings, funerals, birthday parties or community functions for anyone who asks.

If you got your wedding license at city hall and had a justice of the peace marry you...maybe you should consider having your funeral performed by the justice of the peace too!

Of course if the church decides they WANT to do your funeral....that's up to them.  But don't pull that "outraged" routine on every local church you supposedly asked to say some politically correct mumbo-jumbo at your gay lover's funeral.

I, for one, am outraged at your outrage.  Why can't you practice some tolerance toward these churches that refused your wishes?  Are you totally intolerant of anyone who disagrees with your lifestyle?  If so, that makes you totally intolerant!


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