
Monday, February 9, 2015

Divorce One of Your Wives and Marry Another

As we already know, divorce court is a big problem when the definition of marriage was, "one man and one woman."

But what kind of massive chaos will be created when polygamy becomes the law of the land? Imagine the custody battles?  How about Social Security spousal benefits?  How about pensions that pay for worker and spouse?  How about medical insurance for "the family"...if that family has 3 women and 1 man?

(Reuters) - The husband in a household featured on reality show "Sister Wives" has legally divorced one of the four women he lives with and married another, a spokesman for the show said on Wednesday.

Kody Brown and the four women he calls his spouses live in Nevada and have 17 children. Their life has been broadcast on the TLC cable channel since 2010. Legally, Brown is married to only one woman, even though he says all four are his wives.

While previously living in Utah, the family legally challenged the state's ban on consenting adults cohabiting in a marriage-like relationship when they are already legally wedded to someone else.

Last year, a U.S. District Court judge finalized his earlier ruling that struck down that provision, in a case that the Utah attorney general's office is appealing.

Brown and the women he calls spouses, Meri, Christine, Janelle and Robyn, are part of the Apostolic United Brethren, a Utah-based church that follows a plural marriage doctrine. Last season, the program followed their move from Utah to Las Vegas.

"We have chosen to legally restructure our family," the Brown family said in a statement. "We made this decision together as a family."

In the arrangement, Kody Brown divorced Meri and married Robyn, said Raul Rojas, a spokesman for the TLC show.

A Clark County, Nevada, marriage record said Kody Brown and Robyn Brown obtained their marriage license in December.

Celebrity website TMZ reported that the divorce and marriage was meant to ensure Robyn's children have access to insurance and similar benefits. Rojas declined to confirm that.

Polygamy is illegal in all 50 U.S. states. Critics of the practice say it denigrates women and places them in a subservient position in relation to their husband.


Critics say it denigrates women??  Who are you to judge??  If 4 women want to marry one man, or if 4 men want to marry one woman....what business is that of yours?  Who are you to deny the happiness of 4-5 people all making a modern family?  Read your Bible!  Kind David had wives, Solomon had wives, Abraham had wives!  Quit trying to tell everyone else what's right and wrong!

The slippery slope has been crossed.

Quiz for you....without using the Bible (since USA no longer considers it a credible source) please make a case for ONE MAN AND ONE WOMEN being the only way to describe marriage.

Can't do it?

Then get used to the freakiest marriages coming your way.

Jesus himself told us that a man and women (one man and one woman) will both leave their families and be united as one.  That IS what marriage is....til death do you part, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth.  A man and woman who both love The Lord and commit themselves to each other until The Lord comes for them in the rapture or one of them goes to be with The Lord.

Christ has one bride and that is The Church.  He already paid the bride-price for us and is coming soon to marry us and we will live with Him forever.  He loves us even though we are hopelessly unworthy and have acted like adulterous pigs through most (all?) of our engagement period.

1 comment:

  1. To take it a step further, what if your stated purpose was to topple us from inside. Then you just marry over and over. Let the beautiful sheeple pay for the kids you leave in the wake. Sleep with both women (or all of them if you are further on the path). Teach them all in the religion of [the lack of] peace. It makes economic collapse happen faster so you can set up a caliphate. Almost like one could intentionally take advantage of the bleeding hearts with a blind pocketbook.
