
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Russia Pushing USA Out of Middle East

Remember, friends...we watch Russia closely because one day they are going to be a big player in the Middle East.  Ezekiel 38 is still on the horizon.

WASHINGTON – Vladimir Putin’s visit to Egypt marks a low point in U.S.-Egyptian relations, weakening an alliance formed 35 years ago, when President Carter negotiated the Camp David Accords with Egyptian President Anwar El Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, contends a retired Army general.

Retired Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely, a founding member of the Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi, told WND the Russians filled a void after the Obama administration cut off military supplies and equipment to Egypt in response to the overthrow of the Muslim Brotherhood-backed president, Mohamed Morsi, which set the stage for Gen. Abdel-Fatal al-Sisi to become president.

Vallely noted that in October 2013, after the Obama administration suspended military aid to Egypt, Sisi turned to Russia. The move was followed by Putin’s first visit to Egypt on Feb. 12-13, 2014, which resulted in Cairo’s decision to purchase some $2 billion of weapons from Russia.

Retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney, another founding member of the Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi, concurred.

“It is amazing how fast the Obama administration has turned some of our most loyal allies against us. Egypt was the keystone of our Mideast Policy for 40 years,” McInerney said.

Egypt is “vital,” he said, “because it controls the Suez Canal, plus airspace to enter and exit the Middle East as well as the crucial partner in the Israeli Peace Treaty, and we have now forced the Egyptians to look to Russia for support. How could we let this happen?”

“Russia has stepped up to provide the arms Egypt needs to defend itself against the radical Islamic terrorists al-Sisi faces on all sides,” Vallely said.

He was referring to a report that Saudi Arabia has agreed to finance the weapons Egypt purchases from Russia.

Valley said the Obama administration has managed to reverse some nearly 35 years of U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East, with Egypt now returning to Russia. Egypt had a close relationship with the Soviet Union had in era of President Gamal Abdel Nasser, from 1956 to 1970.

“Egypt has a real concern about security, and the United States is not there to help as we should be helping,” Vallely said.


It's ironic that Obama gave his "President of the World" speech in Egypt.  He ended up turning his back on Egypt's President Mubarak a few years later and allowed crazy, radical Muslims to step in and overthrow him during the Arab Spring.  He actually gave the protesters his blessing.  Well those same protesters ended up electing the Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Organization to run their government and the military said, "No way!" and threw him out and threw him in jail.  Last week they announced they were going to execute over 180 Muslim Brotherhood leaders for crimes against the government.  USA cut off their military funding to the civilized military government and today we have Putin/Russia showing up in Egypt to promise them support and help.

I have no idea how Russia is going to keep going as their economy and currency continue to fall apart...but let's remember that Hitler built up Germany's military to an enormous power just a hand full of years after hyper-inflation had destroyed Germany's clearly it can be done.

Here is one more paragraph from the above article that sums up things well and makes me wonder if God allowed Obama to lead us right into the Last Days....

“With the Obama administration supporting the al-Qaida militia in Libya and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, it’s a great illustration how an errant foreign policy undertaken by the U.S. State Department and a White House national security team has managed to drag the United States down lower and lower in credibility throughout the Middle East.”

Remember that Libya is a named player in the Ezekiel 38 coalition that will be led by Russia in the VERY Last Days.

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