
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

ISIS Burns Pilot Alive

The extremist Muslims of ISIS have just taken their brutality to another level.  They doused a Jordanian Air Force pilot in gasoline while he was in a steel cage and then lit him on fire and video taped as he screamed and burned to death.

Jordan's population is mostly Muslim, but the King of Jordan is very Western looking and was educated in the United Jordan might be considered one of the most Western, moderate Muslim countries.

Jordan is actually on the coalition team that has been launching air strikes against ISIS.  The pilot was captured when his plane was shot down.

So what might happen if the Muslims of ISIS go after the Muslims in Jordan...or vice versa?

King Abdullah of Jordan has vowed further action against the Islamic State after hanging two convicted militants in response to the burning alive of Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh.

It comes after the pilot's father Safi demanded that ISIS be 'annihilated' after the barbaric killing of his son in a highly choreographed 22-minute released yesterday.

The gruesome murder of the airman triggered international condemnation and prompted Jordan to execute two Iraqis on death row - female would-be suicide bomber Sajida al-Rishawi and al-Qaeda operative Ziad al-Karboli, by hanging them at dawn.

King Abdullah cut short a visit to the United States and flew back to Amman today, where he was greeted by large crowds at the airport before meeting security chiefs.

Afterwards, he was quoted by the royal court as saying: 'The blood of martyr Moaz al-Kasasbeh will not be in vain and the response of Jordan and its army after what happened to our dear son will be severe.'

Meanwhile Information Minister Mohammad al-Momami said the kingdom was 'more determined than ever to fight the terrorist group Daesh', using the Arabic acronym for ISIS.

The executions took place after gruesome footage emerged showing Jordanian pilot al-Kasasbeh being torched to death by his captors.

The gruesome death of 26-year-old Lt Al-Kaseasbeh, captured while participating in airstrikes by a U.S.-led coalition, sparked outrage and anti-Islamic State group demonstrations in Jordan.

Newspaper headlines warned Jordan 'will take revenge' for his slaying as King Abdullah II, a staunch Western ally, rushed back to his kingdom from Washington.  


King Abdullah has publicly said that these barbarians of ISIS don't represent kudos to him! A major, public Muslim who is standing up against more extremist Muslims.  We should pray for him.  He has made the difficult decision to send his air force to bomb ISIS and side with The West...and this HAS to put enormous pressure on him.  Remember that MOST of the "Palestinian" refugees are in the nation of Jordan....and there is no telling how many of them might actually be rooting for ISIS to take over the world and usher in sharia law, ISIS style.

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