
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Our National Cathedral Defiled

Last November we blogged about the National Cathedral and how the Muslims got to use the "Christian" place of worship to pray to their false god, Allah.  Talk about defiling what was once a building built for the worship of Jesus Christ!

We found some more disturbing news about the Cathedral.

“Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation – at least, not just. We are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, a Buddhist nation, and a Hindu nation, and a nation of nonbelievers.” Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Hussein Obama, spoke those words in 2006. As disconcerting as it is to admit, this is one of the rare times that he’s told the truth. His diligent, largely unopposed actions ever since make his statement even truer today.

Our public Christian faith, our culture and our liberty, even the ability to think for ourselves has been wrested from us. We’ve been brainwashed, indoctrinated and desensitized to evil. We’ve been spiritually lobotomized to holiness, righteousness and the concepts of freedom, honor and courage.

What’s left of our virtues and liberties will, at some point, be taken by force. (At least they will try.)
“Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled” (Titus 1:15).

Telling, isn’t it? This is the great divide in our world. It’s what we’re up against.

As such, significant events in the death of this nation have recently occurred. Some might consider what I’m going to write, old news. I assure you, these are not fading events to God. They are worth your thought and contemplation.

 Let’s read our opening verse again:
“But they set their abominations in the house, which is called by my name, to defile it” (Jeremiah 32:34).

As it was in Jeremiah’s day, so now it is again.

In the year 2013 we saw the start of homosexual marriages being performed in the “National House of Prayer.” That which God calls a grievous sin is nevertheless justified by what passes for rationale within the Cathedral’s hierarchy. What do I mean? Here’s a portion from the National Cathedral’s website:
"What does the Bible say about same-sex marriage?

The Bible pronounces various strictures against same-sex relations outside of wedlock, but the possibility of same-sex marriage was not contemplated. Jesus says nothing about same-sex marriage (or same-sex relations of any kind). The Cathedral’s decision (to marry homosexuals) honors the desire of many faithful LGBT couples to enter into a partnership sacramentally blessed by God and highly praised in Scripture."

The willful perversion of the Bible is astounding. I can’t help but think of Romans 1:22:
“Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.”

The Bible indeed pronounces various “strictures against same-sex” sex, more precisely calling it an abomination. The nonsensical addition of “outside of wedlock” is found nowhere in Scripture in relation to homosexuality and thus, not a consideration in the Bible’s universal condemnation of homosexuality. The reprobate act itself is a sin, which cannot be redeemed in God’s holy eyes even by profaning matrimony to include it.


Let me restate what the Cathedral said for emphasis;
The Cathedral’s decision (to marry homosexuals) honors the desire of many faithful LGBT couples to enter into a partnership sacramentally blessed by God and highly praised in Scripture."

Wait...what?  Gay sex is highly praised in scripture?

"No Dennis, not gay sex, but gay love!  Love of all kinds is highly praised!  Gay sex is just an outpouring of gay love!"


Friends, I realize that some of us might be shaking the finger too vigorously at the homosexuals and their specific sin.  And that might be.  How many men curse the gays and their sin but yet go home and spend hours searching porn sites for stimulation, each time committing adultery in their minds?  How many women curse the gays but yet go home and spend hours reading romance novels or watching "The Bachelor" to get their own porn fix since they are unsatisfied by their husbands?

Yes, this is all true.  This is why Jesus told us to take the plank out of our own eye so we can see clearly to remove the sliver from our neighbor's eye.

But the church denominations have begun to cave.  When the church leadership starts to back away from what the Bible clearly labels as "sin"....then we are on a slippery slope.

So is fornication soon to be "blessed by God and highly praised in scripture?"  How about adultery?  How about bestiality?  How about polygamy?  Where does it end?

Evil will be called good and good will be called evil.

Men will surround themselves with teachers who tell them what they want to hear.

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