
Monday, February 2, 2015

Watch Pakistan

Pakistan is getting more and more unsettled.  The Muslim majority is getting more angry and insulting towards Christians.  Persecution is building on that front.

At the same time, a massive explosion happened in a Mosque last week killing dozens.  So it would appear that certain Taliban Muslims would like Shi'ite Muslims killed.

Pakistani Taliban, claimed responsibility for the attack.
“Our target was the Shiite [Shia] community,” Fahad Marwat, a spokesman for the group, told Reuters. “They are our enemies.”

See that story here;

So why should we folks in America give a rip about another Muslim country falling into the crap-bin of Satanic violence?

Ummm.....because they already have an arsenal of nuclear weapons.

Pakistan has managed to stay as a somewhat "moderate" Muslim country...but what happens if the "Death to all!" Muslims wrest control of the country from the moderates?

A country made for Muslims has turned into a nightmare for Muslims.

The wish of Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the father of Pakistan, was that the country evolved into a modern democratic state where Muslims, as a majority population, could feel at ease.

But the modernizers who succeeded the colonial authorities in taking power aroused expectations that were simply beyond their abilities to deliver.

But religious authorities were agitating, warning the bewildered masses that these defeats were divine punishments for betraying the true message of Islam by not faithfully abiding by its requirements.

Qutb in his writings recast the division in the world from the classic Muslim one between the House of Islam and the House of War, to one between Islam and jahiliyya, a condition of paganism that preceded the coming of Islam to Arabia. Jahiliyya has now become all-pervasive in the modern world, supposedly sparing none, including Muslims, except for that small coterie of Muslims who took flight [hijra] from the corrupted world and prepared for jihad [armed struggle].

Together, Hasan al-Banna, Abul A'la Maududi and Sayed Qutb fashioned political Islam as a closed system, in opposition to all other competing ideologies.

The theology of takfir -- declaring other Muslims apostates or unbelievers; excommunication -- obsessed with "unbelief," has provided the politics of jihad [armed struggle] with the theological justification that arms any Muslim to freelance as a soldier of Allah.

The strategic requirement for advancing global jihad was to convince Muslims that they are liable to be found committing heresy if they support non-Muslim or infidel authorities, such as the United States and its allies, or if they wage war against Muslims, such as members of al-Qaeda.

The theology of takfir and jihad has now come full circle. Many Pakistanis, when they disagree, now find themselves trapped in denunciations that they are unbelievers.

It is from these madrasas that the jihadi fighters come forth as cannon fodder for an endless jihad that has become a growth industry in Pakistan. The entire political elite in Pakistan has profited, just as the Iranian elite continues profiting by doing the same.

For many, being "pure" required separating oneself from non-Muslims.

"The Taliban were not providing strategic depth to Pakistan, but Pakistan was providing strategic depth to the Taliban." — Ahmed Rashid, foremost scholar of the Taliban.


Muslims are becoming a nightmare for Muslims!...and it's happening all over the world!

Now take out your globe and start to turn it slowly.  Point to the countries that have become or are soon to become a mess!  Make sure you look at places like Greece too.  And don't forget France and the civil war the could breakout because the Muslims feel offended there.  And then look at places like Liberia and West Africa that are so impoverished and ignorant that Ebola can't be stopped without "Western" nations showing up to intervene.  And now look at the ENTIRE Middle East from Iran to Libya!  And then spin it to Russia and read about the massive ground troops they are moving toward Ukraine.  And then spin it to China and see how they are expanding their military even while they may have cooked a real estate bubble that could decimate them. And remember if the Euro breaks up that Europe is the most warring continent on the face of the earth!

The list of nations that are in turmoil or could soon be in turmoil is long.

So keep an eye on Pakistan and let's all remember to say The Lord's Prayer...."Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."

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