
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Jihad-John's Identity Revealed

Last week Team Obama hosted an International Conference on Terror.  The joke of the week is that they refused to say "Islam" or "Muslim".  They also repeated their willfully ignorant lie that the radicals who affiliate with Islam aren't true Muslims. And finally, they came up with the idea that we need to get the radical people some jobs and education to combat terrorism.


As if on ironic cue, we find out today that the man who has been cutting people's heads off for ISIS videos is from London. He's also a college grad and a computer programmer!

What???  Team Obama thinks there must be some mistake!!  It can't be!!!  If he's cutting people's heads off...doesn't that mean he HAS to be an uneducated dweeb??

The British Isis militant suspected of appearing in videos showing the beheading of Western hostages has been named in reports as Mohammed Emwazi from London.

Emwazi, or 'Jihadi John' as he became known, is thought to have appeared wearing black robes and a balaclava in a series of disturbing videos depicting the killing of journalists and aid workers.

Emwazi, 27, grew up in a suburb of west London. The University of Westminster confirmed he had been a student there, graduating with a degree in computer programmng.

On Thursday, The Washington Post published a lengthy article naming him, quoting a friend who said: “I have no doubt that Mohammed is Jihadi John."

An international manhunt led by the FBI was launched in August 2014 when he was thought to have appeared in video footage showing the beheading of American photojournalist James Foley.


Poor liberals....they just must be so confused!!  They believe education and money is the answer to happiness and peace.  They don't believe in evil or Satan so they simply can't fathom a world in which educated, financially sound people drop everything to go cut heads off in Syria with ISIS.

Folks who read their Bibles know that Satan is the Prince of this Earth.  The only protection from the evil one is the power of Jesus Christ given to us through the Holy Spirit.  When Muslims read the book of lies, call the Koran, inspired by the Father of Lies, they can very quickly fall into the deception of the Evil One.  And once that happens, all the money and education in the world won't stop you from doing all sorts of heinous, Satanic burning people alive in cages, cutting off their heads with steak knives, raping and torturing little kids, etc....

If you know a liberal, like Obama, you had best pray for them.  Their eyes are blinded since they have refused Jesus Christ as Savior, God and King.

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